Since I'm a thermal anomally I'll take you without shorts..I can so protect you from freezing to death
Yep, I'm a thermal anomally...I radiate more heat than most people...and I tend to get tired I think I have a messed up ATP usage distribution..D/H
change the sofa for the bed and we have a deal...
so I wished I had lived in the Soviet Union, ONLY on the account that communists expropiated church assets and murdered the clergy....too much?...D/H
HATE!!!!!! I may not care much for organized religion, but I have a "fetish' for the Russian/Eastern Orthodox Churches... you sir, have just been kicked out of my bed :p
I was in an amorous mood but now am miffed… d/h
Happens to everyone, so, date
(Seriously? The Orthodox Church is more homophobic than Catholics and evangelics combined...but a bit less than muslims)..
I really hate organized religion...very very much so..D/H
Date, I always power walk, drives people mad...
I am a perfectionist.. d/h
Double Date on the powerwalk and the perfectionism
I scare people away with my personality D/H
Date the only things that scare me are dying alone... and clowns :p
I can be painfully shy at times... d/h