Date: clouds are cool
I like watching ocean waves
Me too Date
I can get a little grumpy if I'm too hungry
Date, I'll feed you..
I can get very grumpy if I'm sleepy D/H
Date: I'll massage you to sleep
I will want to by you a gift now and then
nothing too expensive, I really don't mind the small things, date
I don't really mind if I don't get birthday, xmas or whatever presents D/H
^ says the guy who made me feel bad for repeating my small gift of "piece of marble" :p
I don't care if I recieve gifts either, but I love giving them... how about soemthing meaningful, say I start with a morning cuddle.......
I succumb to guilt easily and can brood internally for days… d/h
Date I would a picnic aswell!!
I can extremely gullible! (As some of you have found out) D/H
Date, for five minutes...j/k
To date me, I'll need you to sign a contract, in blood...