Fair enough.
I don't like that sound, either, so date.
I also don't like it when someone talks and eats at the same time. Please pick one. D/H?
Date...Even if I have something important to say that can't wait...when I try to talk with food in my mouth, it quickly becomes apparant that this just isn't happening, and I gesture "ONE SECOND" over and over again while swallowing. It's something that annoys me too... It's a little gross.
Despite trying to have an open mind and seeing things from multiple viewpoints...I can be very opinionated at times...
I like firm opinions, so date.
Sometimes I have no opinions on anything, though. My mind is just...blank. D/H?
Date At least you aren't pretending to know things you don't know.
I am hungry (I know, so significant, but I am!).
Date - I too am hungry… lets go for dinner!
I love the sound of rain.. hate/date?
Rain makes the world so much better. Date.
I would love to cuddle while watching the rain fall outside. D/H?
Date - but...
It typically tend to do intimacy with my eyes closed, kiss, hug, cuddle - my eyes are closed. Not because I don't want to watch, but because I can focus on all the good sensations and feelings and really savor them - H/D?
Sometimes I am going to say that I agree with you when I don't, but I am a really bad liar. D/H?
date but id prefer you didnt agree with me and i could tell when your lying..
I dont like cinemas h/d
You don't like the cinema buildings or movies in general? If it was movies, I would be kind of depressed, but still date.
I don't like shopping malls. D/H?