Hello Marcus, or Mark (which do you prefer to be called?) and

to GaySpeak. I too, and my partner as well, am a vegetarian. It was a choice my girlfriend and I made way back when, when I was still pretending to be possibly straight or bisexual. lol. After that only girlfriend (and 4 years of life together, all the same) our paths parted and I lived a single life for 18 years. I knew I was different and wanted something different but society was not as cool as it is today (even if things aren't yet perfect). I found my partner online in a different country but we have been together 10 years now.
I see you live in Seattle, so you are in a state that offers gay marriage. Lucky you! My partner and I, although we live in countries that afford us civil partnerships, can't get married though we'd like to.
I hope you will find it in your makeup to keep on battling for the rights that others have obtained for you in your state.
I personally don't think you should call yourself a DOUCHE, please, that's not right. Remember what it means, the rejected contents of a potential pregnancy... it's almost as bad as (if not worse) than calling someone an aborted (unwanted) child, or a bastard (born out of wedlock). We have that insult in French (calling someone ''un bâtard'' = a bastard or ''un avorton'' = an aborted child), and it's NOT nice. The gay community is very good at calling itself names, but it's not helping to find pride and self fulfillment, nor to find a sense of ownership and identity.
Maybe you mean you're a bit geeky? Or maybe you mean you have different pursuits from your friends at school and don't mingle that well with the ''normal'' crowd. In fact, what do you mean?
I'm glad to

you to the site, given that I'm practically one of the oldest members. I think you'll fit in just perfectly. Take care, Mark.