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Atheists vs Theists
personal religion, organisied religion, spirituality and faith are all different kettles of fish.

Alot of people get confused and mix them up.

Undreamt Wrote:personal religion, organisied religion, spirituality and faith are all different kettles of fish.

Alot of people get confused and mix them up.

My Stance:
I do not believe there is a difference, all religion is the same. They all want the same thing, they all want you giving to THIER cause to further THIER agendas. Call it whatever kind of religion you want, but its all the same.

I was raised by "christian" people...my granny and my mother. My granny was not a zealot like my mother was though. My granny was pretty much ok with you as long as you were someone who did good things, not bad things.
My mother on the other hand was a total hypocrite. She was what they used to call a "Sunday Christian". She was a "true" christian on Sundays, and the rest of the week she was a lieing, backstabbing, hateful, condescending, belittling, vile creature, who would like and cheat and stab you in the back if you didnt do EXACTLY what she wanted.
And this is the behavior I have seen all of my life, from people who proclaim they are "christians". They lie, they cheat, they steal, they fornicate, they are complete hypocrites to every single word that comes out of thier mouths.
Religious "leaders" (priests, ministers, monks, etc..) are nothing but con-artists. They only want your money, and will say ANYTHING to get you to give it up. All you have to do is look at these extreme hypocrites that were caught......Jim Baker, Robert Tilton, Jerry Falwell, etc...
And then there are the ones who have built cities unto themselves, not the god they supposedly worship, but to THEMSELVES....namely Oral Roberts. And this con-artist extrordinaire has the unmitigated NERVE to tell people on TV, that god will strike him dead with a lightning bolt if he doesnt get 8 million dollars???!!!!! I will tell you why he needed 8 million dollars, to pay his TAXES for the city he built unto himself!! What would any god need with money?
Its all in the news, from all over the world----nuns stealing babies and selling them on the black market, pedophile priests, prostitute nuns, drug dealing ministers, preachers who physically abuse thier elder people, child molesters, rapists, murderers, drug dealers, and one story I read a couple of weeks ago, some minister had some of his congregation LOCKED up in his church!

Hell, my religious grandmother died a long, slow painful death.....where was this god she believed in???? Certainly not anywhere he/she was needed.

There is more substantial proof that religion on this planet is nothing but organized crime, organized evil, organized hate and bigotry, all rolled up into one neat little ball of hypocricy.

As of yet, I have yet to ever find one tiny, miniscule shred of logic or proof that any kind of god exists in this universe.

And the weird thing is, I am fascinated by religion and theology. I love theologically themed movies. My two favorites are "Agnes of God" and "Mr. Frost". Two awesome movies.
But I will argue my point for all eternity, until I am shown absolute proof.

I mean, really now...after supposed THOUSANDS of years of this god supposedly existing, there would be SOME tiny bit of evidence. Historians have even come forward in the past 10 years and stated that out of all of the tombs that have been excavated in Egypt and the other surrounding countries, not ONE....NOT ONE of them had any mention of any kind of "Jesus" or "one true god".

Im not religious, simply because there has been no proof.

Faith - A false sense of security, given to the insecure by charlatans and con-artists, in order to exact thier personal agendas on them. Believing in a fantasy or imaginary concept, in hopes that something you want to happen badly, will become reality.

I dont hold it against anyone who does believe, I think its a nice concept, but it just "doesnt hold water".

The Bible - a book, written by men to enslave man to those in power. They didnt have police back then, and when the masses starting getting too big for politicians to handle, they had to do something. How do you control people who dont know any better? You make up stories.
Just like you control your kids with "the boogie man", or "the monster under the bed", or "the gremlins in the closet", or even "the ghost in the attic".....they had to control masses of an ever growing number of people.
Why do you think there are SOOOOOOOOOOO many discrepancies in this book? Even IF this storybook were real, its content has been molested so many billions of times, any original meaning has long been lost.

Basically, there is more proof that there has never been any kind of god, as opposed to any proof that there is one. And I would think that if there were any kind of god out there....there would be at least ONE SOLID piece of proof that they existed.

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