I just thought we had one spirit that was large and would not be silenced and the suffering and stuff we go through because of it starts tricking us into fragmenting from being one whole person that was ok into one person with the illusion of two personalities. I believe spirit is only one, a person is only one and the struggle is escaping the torture chamber of our own heart and prison of our own mind to finally meet our own original selves on the grass and be so pleased to say "Hey! I like you!". But ya know, being "straight" as a comfort zone is highly overrated - Seems to me ALL people have the same challenge/goal/gift of own-self-regard. It also seems to me that when you are gay, you're like "well of course" but straight people have to be like "but i tried so hard to get everything right" I mean to say, we can sit back and say "I could only get so far ya know, the world" but they got no "Oh it's just that I was black" they have to suffer it on their own merits without a "handicap" score help as it were.
But I know a guy who believes the two spirit doctrine. He told me about it 5 or 6 years ago and I didn't realize it was more widespread - I thought he was just telling me how he felt. He's native, well halfy like me. I miss him. He was so brave and strong, no kung fu - just been beat down enough he didn't have time for it anymore. Eric.