OlderButWiser Wrote:Ive always thought that LGBT societies were more about socialising then than pick up clubs LoL.
Perhaps your just expecting too much, so how about going out on the scene?
Sometimes love can come from the most unexpected places, and usually when your not looking too hard for it!
Yeah, I do go there to socialise, I have made a lot of friends, I just made the thread to see what other opinions people had on the matter
I have been on the scene, I have been with guys, I have had a boyfriend, I've had my heart broken, now I'm single and I wouldn't mind having a guy in my life tbh
So, I guess you are looking for sex, not for love?
Nick9 Wrote:So, I guess you are looking for sex, not for love?
No, I'm not looking for sex, quite the contrary, I just want to be with someone that I actually find attractive.
Tombo Wrote:No, I'm not looking for sex, quite the contrary, I just want to be with someone that I actually find attractive.
are you sure? Because it sounded to me like you are choosing them like there were apples on a counter or something.
Love happens. It mostly doesn't work the way: you walk in the class, take a look and say I find nobody attractive enough here. Should I lower my standards?
What standards? He can't be small? What are you standards that you want to lower anyway?
Being honest here: If you keep basing the chance of a good relationship on looks alone, you will never find it. Mr. Right is going to waltz right on by and you won't even notice because he didn't LOOK like Mr. Right. on the outside.
Love rarely if ever happens instantly, you build it over time and, it's WHO not what they look like that counts.
Nick9 Wrote:are you sure? Because it sounded to me like you are choosing them like there were apples on a counter or something.
Yes I am quite sure, some people take looks into consideration when looking for a relationship. I would like someone of, at least, equal attractiveness to me. I have kissed people that I didn't find attractive, to try and see if it would work, and it didn't it felt horrible at the time and afterwards but it was too awkward to just stop.
Love happens. It mostly doesn't work the way: you walk in the class, take a look and say I find nobody attractive enough here. Should I lower my standards?
well I've been single since September and I thought that there would be people in the LGBT society that I could date. As I am single most of the time I considered lowering my standards but I don't think I can go through with it and why should I have to?
What standards? He can't be small? What are you standards that you want to lower anyway? 
If I rolled over in bed or sat on him he would suffocate lmao. I'm 6 foot 2, I find tall people more attractive (or at least medium/tall)
My standards are a nice face, preferably brown hair and brown/hazel eyes, tall, similar age to me 19-21, preferably born in the same year (1992) so we are at the same life stage (if someone is really suitable then I would consider someone who is 22, I have had too many predatory guys after me, I much prefer people of my age), they need to be smart (otherwise things would never work out), they need to be a bit edgey, non-alcoholic/drug-taker, someone who isn't sleeping round with loads of people, someone who I can take care of that can take care of me in turn, somebody who is true to themselves, somebody macho or macho/fem, not overly fem, someone with a slim/athletic body, someone fun to be around 
Blue Wrote:Being honest here: If you keep basing the chance of a good relationship on looks alone, you will never find it. Mr. Right is going to waltz right on by and you won't even notice because he didn't LOOK like Mr. Right. on the outside.
Love rarely if ever happens instantly, you build it over time and, it's WHO not what they look like that counts.
I'm not basing it solely on looks but if I don't find someone attractive then things would never work out!
Ok, I know what you are saying. When I was your age I felt the same way. I lived in a small town and the only youth group was not a pretty bunch. The bar which I was not old enough to go in to was not much better. I moved to the big city as soon as I was 18. Boy what a difference. So many cute and handsome guys of all types and ages. Like a kid in a candy store. The catch is, no money. By that I mean they were looking for someone even better looking. So kind of a catch 22.
That being said, I get it if you live in a small town. Often the best looking guys don't join those groups because they don't have a problem meeting guys. And since they can pick and choose, they usually want good looking friends too.
If you do move to a big city some day, it can happen. In my case I snagged what I thought would be a really hot guy, out of my league. Turns out I was his type. We are still together many many years later. In an ironic twist, I get more attention then he dose some time because I always looked way too young for my age. Now people keep telling him he's lucky!