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I want to die...
Hi, im going to come right out and give my two cents. I may not know what is upsetting you, but at a current time i can relate. Here recently i have been in a deep depression myself. Mine stems from the possibility of coming out and putting my family in a predicament that could cause dire problems. I just want to be myself but feel that i have an obligation to sacrifice my single happiness for my many families happiness. It makes me feel so down and low about myself. I dont think that i have it in me to hurt myself but i am moving to a point of not caring whether i live or die. I know how you feel brother. I understand it. Im having these feelings at the age of 21 almost 22 years of age because i just recently came to terms with who i really am. You are 15 which shows how much stronger you are than i am. I am considering therapy because i think it would be good to have someone to talk to. Ive been in a deep depression for about 4-5 months now and im starting to think that i wont be able to pull myself out of it. If you choose to tell what your going through, you have my support and everyone elses support too. I know that there are tons of stuff i want to post on here but i just get a "who gives a f###" attitude and then i just keep it to myself. I know that it more than likely pushed you out of your comfort zone just to even make a post on here and i can respect you even more for it. Hang in there man, if you ever want to chat, you can always send me a message on here. Stay strong

Romi- whatever's happened you know I am here for you and so is Kink. I knew something was up- I felt something was off when you didn't appear on chat last night. You know I'm here for you, as is everyone else on this site.

Whatever's happened don't feel as though you're alone. You're not. I'm here along with everyone else. Even if you can't bring yourself to post what's gone on, you can always PM someone you trust. There are so many wise, kind hearted people on here who are amazing listenener's, who don't judge, don't gossip and would offer you sound advice. Don;t be afraid to reach out Romi, we're all waiting for you to do so.

Please don't suffer this alone, we all love you so much. You know I'm always here for you.


No thing and no person is worth dying for. I know, I went there. That's all I have to say.

We are all here for you. As soon as your ready you could PM one of us to talk to and to help you. I believe we are all good listeners.

I know those feelings, you might be lonely, you might did something horrible and feel bad about it, you might not see a future ahead of you or maybe the future you see is not bright. I can't tell you ''don't do it'', its absulately your choice. Just think; will it make everything better? Do you really want to take a step into unknown? If you have the answers of those things im always asking to myself, than go for it but remember, time is the cure of everything.

Sweetie, I've been there twice. They were the stupidest moments of my life. I kept everything bottled up and didn't tell a soul. I know things woulda worked out differently if I'd talked to someone. If its too personal for anyone on here, then find someone else to talk to. A friend, family member, church official, guidance counselor, or even a therapist. Believe me, whatever hell you think ur going through now will pass, and it's definitely not worth the price of your life.

Here's a couple of sites u might wanna look into:

Give it time, it will pass.

There are a handful of things that I cringe when I think back on, even have moments kicking myself over it again, but it only rarely happens and not anywhere as intense as it used to be (and doesn't last that long) and I even take comfort knowing the sting of that will help keep me from repeating that mistake in the future. When I came to realize how badly I messed up it was bad, but I got over it and finally put it in perspective...or at least it wasn't as bad as it was.

If you're like most people then you won't feel bad about it forever. It's just like a bad hangover that leaves you sick and in misery, it will go away in time (though hopefully one then remembers not to drink so much next time).

I'm fond of saying time heels all wounds... That is not altogether 100% true, there are wounds that never heal - instead they grow a thick scab and stop bleeding all over the place.

More often than not its simply because time gives us perspective, and the greater the perspective (the time that passes) the less some event hurts us.

What ever the event is, what ever takes place, the further in time you get from it the less its power over you and the less strongly it hurts.

As for doing stupid things, I have a wall of rewards for doing the worlds most stupidest things. :biggrin:

You have an excuse, you are 15 and haven't the experience to 'know better' - thus you will make more than a few mistakes. And that is ok, and as it should be - life is all about learning.

It gets better, we move on. I know it may not seem like it from your side, but it is the truth.

To Lewis: Wow...thanks for the kind words...

To everyone else: thanks for the advice

You know, one day, you'll look back on that problem, and you will just laugh at it. Just let it pass. Be strong, you still have a long long way to go! Smile

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