So one thing that i have noticed when i finally accepted myself as gay the for the first time is how i find the word faggot offensive. Now bear in mind that when i was lying to myself and convincing myself i was straight, i never once called a member of the LGBT community hateful things. Context has a lot to do with it, like when im at work and somebody says "what a fag". That doesnt really bother me too much but when somebody says fag or faggot because somebody is gay or lesbian, it really bothers me. Because for one its always said with such a disgusting tone that is meant to be offensive. But why is this okay? Those people that i notice saying faggot consider themselves devout christians that attend church regularly. Thats whay stumps me the most. I am raised christian and have been having my doubts more recently but thays another issue, but i was never taught to be hateful to someone no matter what the circunstance. But yet these people that preach tolerance and acceptance are being hypocritical. Im not outof the closet all the way at work, and im sure if i told the people dropping the f bomb that i was offended by that they would stop. But i dont understand. People have recognized the N word as a hateful and racist slur, and i dont know of anyone that uses thw N word, no matter if they're in the company of african americans and people of african descent or if there are around people of their own color. It just seems like one big ass double standard. Sorry for the rant.
I get the feeling that such words are becoming function words like the word (This is not intended in any racist content or anything so please dont take offense) "Nigger" if a white person was to use this word, it would be offensive however when a black person calls another black person it, its taken in stride as a sort of compliment.
Im finding that faggot when used in homophobic term is quiet offensive however when im called a faggot by a homosexual, i again take it in its stride. Its not always the words themselves but the intention behind the person using it that causes it to be offensive, so bare that in mind &^.^
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I'm a : Single Gay Man
The world is an ugly, hateful, disgusting place and thier will be people around that call any male who seems slightly femenine the f word just like there are still people around that call other ethnic groups racial slurs (and yes most of them call themselves christian). You have to realise that these people are not worth your time and to me are sad pitiful creatures(they do not diserve to be called people).
Just put the LGBT connotations and definitions of the word out of your head and amuse they said fagot.
noun \ˈfa-gət\
: bundle: as
a : a bundle of sticks
b : a bundle of pieces of wrought iron to be shaped by rolling or hammering at high temperature
Okay so they are blind and think a person looks like a bundle of sticks or wrought iron - oh well, that's their problem. :biggrin:
I find the word faggot or fag offensive when directed towards a gay man, period.
And I suspect some of our female members would be just as offended by the use of the word dyke.
I don't care whether the person saying it is gay or straight its just unacceptable.
Oh and I find coloured guys who think its OK to freely use the "N" word just as unacceptable.
Maybe Im too sensitive for my own good LoL
Yeah most of mine have been a delightful and delicious meatball too
(I was gonna ask is it still ok if we call each other that when no one else can hear? I mean cause we do all the time! I b callin straight guys fag here and there that I know. Kinda like "NXXXX Pleeze!" it's just not something we say where others that ain't us can hear.)