Mungo man - In 1974, scientists discovered the Mungo man - a primate who was ritually buried 40-60,000 years ago with his hands covering his penis. ANU's John Curtin School of Medical Research found that the skeleton's genetic material contained a small section of mitochondrial DNA. It was analysed and compared to the genetic material from nearly 3,500 people; including Neanderthals, Asians, ancient Aborigines, and present-day Aborigines. It was found that Mungo Man's DNA lacked a gene that was common to all the other samples. Consequently, unlike every other known person on the planet, or unearthed skeleton, Mungo man can not be traced to humans that left Africa any time in the last 200,000 years.
To take an oath, ancient Romans put a hand on their testicles. That's why evidence in court is still referred to as "testimony".
^ LOL is that actually true?
Brad Pitt is banned from going to Mainland China.
Napoleon took 14,000 French decrees and simplified them into a unified set of 7 laws. This was the first time in modern history that a nation's laws applied equally to all citizens. Napoleon's 7 laws are so impressive that by 1960 more than 70 governments had patterned their own laws after them or used them verbatim.
^ Wow that is shocking.
Alexander the Great invented a spying technique still used today ,he had his soldiers write letters home, which he then intercepted and read to discover who was against him.
The name Jeep came from the abbreviation used in the army for the "General Purpose" vehicle, G.P.
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On the surface of the sun there coronal loops bursting from its' surface. These huge arcs of solar material, which are constrained by magnetic fields, can swirl slowly on the edge of the sun for hours, sometimes even days. These loops, arcs of solar material, are large enough for the Earth to pass through them with thousands of kilometers of free space on each side.
(taken from NASA)