12-13-2012, 06:27 AM
Blue Wrote:Well, I have a Mint because Jess gave me one. It uses Swiffer type pads and does okay as long as there is just dust, fine dirt and ashes on the floor. It simply pushes anything bigger, like sunflower seed shells to the closest place it has to turn or back up and leaves them there. It dose not know how to go over a spot repeatedly until it's clean unless it's on a solid color floor. On a mixed color floor, it just does it once and assumes it's clean.
It will also turn around at rugs, so you still have to pick those up for it. I use it for the living room and bath but, since my conure is in the kitchen, it's easier to do that myself. And of course you have to put a dry cloth on it first, then restart it with the wet cloth to get both sweeping and moping done.
It does fine around obstacles but gets confused if a dog tries the bite at it and play with it.
I have seen the advertisement on TV for the moping bot... I can still manage to push the mop around weekly. I was just wondering about the vacuum one, this way I do not have to be constantly pulling out a vacuum or a broom... besides brooms are for flying not for housework.