normally i dont do anything for valentines, when i was a kid i used to swap cards and stuff with the girl next door but that was really it. (then again, i was an exploited child, when we were 4 or 5 people thought it was cute for us to kiss, so we did it for free stuff, little entrapenours we were

) so it was generally assumed when we hit teens we would start dating, how wrong were they lol.
this year im flying to new york with my family (woo!) so i dont really care one way or the other what happens.
i really dont get what the hype is, as a previous poster said (not sure which) you shouldn't need an excuse for buying your boyfreind/girlfreind presents and telling them you love them.
besides, its a lot more romantic if it is a spur of the moment gift, rather than one you feel obligated to buy.