12-25-2012, 11:34 PM
Didnt quite know where to put this thread, so I opted for a general forum.
Dont hate me, but the "mother" in me comes out when someone is in need and I am unable to help out...so I try and do the best I can. All that is meant from this is good intentions....
First off Rover330, hope you are doing better and not feeling so sick. Hope your power is still on and the mac n cheese is hot. I have found that AlkaSeltzer cold really helps me kick being sick. I like the orange flavor, as it tastes kinda like orange soda when I drink it.
For some "grand motherly" advice - my granny used to swear by apple cider vinegar. Take two tablespoons in one cup of cold water before you eat dinner every night for a week when you are sick. This helps "pickle" the virus in your system until it gets flushed out. I have done this, and it does work. If you are allergic or dont like the taste, then eating vinegar pickles is another source. Drinking lots of hot tea with fresh squeezed lemon also can help.
Keep some kind of cane by you and use it every time you get out of bed or get up from a chair, it will help steady you when you get up in case you feel dizzy. You can also keep a hard chair, like a dining room chair, near you also, and use the back of it to steady yourself.
I dont know what to tell you about being in your physical location, since Im in Texas....I have no idea about your city or neighborhood, so I cant offer any suggestions on that. The only suggestion I can think of, is if you have a local LGBT organization, to give them your phone number and ask them to call you once a day until you are better, to make sure you answer the phone. At least they might be able to send someone to come check on you until your better.
As for living conditions, have you thought of a roommate? If there is a local LGBT organization near you, you might also check with them on certified roomies. There would be someone to share expenses and also someone there in case you need help. Just a thought.
For me, my "down" time of the year is from December to February. Cause things are geared from Cmas directly to Valentines Day before January 1st is even here. Well, where I live anyway.
But I have friends who have had it a hell of a lot worse than me. So when I am down and feeling like all is lost, I think of what they had to go through in the past 10 years, and then I know my life doesnt suck as bad as I thought. Although I am alone, I am not really lonely, other than on a few occasions during the year. Yes, it would be nice to have someone around, but as I said before, Ive gotten used to "doing" for myself.
Its not a "gay" thing, its not a "straight" thing, its not a "guy" thing, its not a "girl" thing....its a LIVING LIFE tihng. Its hard for a lot of people. Especially in the recent downturn of the economy and now the governement being even more corrupt than ever, its a never ending mental battle to stay sane sometimes. Its hard for a lot of people.
I know its hard not having a vehicle, you get "stuck" a lot. And sometimes that can be mind numbing and claustrophobic, as well as a huge inconvenient pain in the ass. But once again, if you have a local LGBT org near you, they may have some services they can offer if you need help. Checking on you when you are sick, taking you to the store, helping around the house...etc. Regardless of whether they can help or not in some things, at least you have tried. And even better if they do offer those services...you can meet new people, find some new friends maybe.
I always thought that if I ever won the lottery or something, I would start my own little town, of people like us. So we could all be together. Ive talked to teens, adults, and others alike, needing to get out of bad situations, or just needing a little help now and then, and I feel helpless cause I cant jump in my truck and get something done.
Hell, I have the government hounding me for money I dont have, and they have been doing it for years. They have threated to garnish my wages, and if they do, I wont be able to afford to live on my own anymore. Ive been homeless before, I really dont want to do it again. I have an old truck Im constantly dumping what little extra money I have outta my paychecks into, just to keep it running so I can get to work. Im diabetic and even with insurance, my meds cost more than I can really afford. I have lived from paycheck to paycheck my whole life, and the few times I have ever saved any money, some catastrphe has happened to suck all that savings dry. All of my close friends moved to other states long ago. I dont make friends very easily at all, and most of the people I loved have all died. My sister is my only living relative, other than my nephews and neices she's had over the years (long story). Ive only had ONE vacation in my entire working life. And the close friend I did have long ago, stabbed me in the back when I needed help the most.....so thats another reason I dont make friends easily, I dont trust anyone. Hell, I cant even have a pet, because the pet deposits nowdays are more than my freeking rent!!
Even though people have come to me for advice and assistance most of my adult life, I cant even seem to do it for myself. I can help plenty of other people, but cant seem to help myself most of the time.
So there are a lot of us out there. We are just scattered all over the world, which unfortunately, makes it seem even a much lonlier place. But we are all here, trying to get along the best way we know how.
Some of us, like you, luck out and find love and/or romance....most of us cant even get a date with a deaf, dumb, and blind man, much less any other kind (no offense to anyone, just making a point).
I would say move to another state, but Ive done that, and it wasnt any different for me in another state than it is here in Texas, where I was born and grew up.
Whats the saying??? "Making the best of a bad situation".
So, hopefully this little schpeel of mine will make you feel better about some things, and not so bad about others. And hopefully you will know you arent alone in the big, bad, cold world.
Have a BIG bite of mac n cheese for me.....I cant eat that stuff anymore!!!!
Dont hate me, but the "mother" in me comes out when someone is in need and I am unable to help out...so I try and do the best I can. All that is meant from this is good intentions....

First off Rover330, hope you are doing better and not feeling so sick. Hope your power is still on and the mac n cheese is hot. I have found that AlkaSeltzer cold really helps me kick being sick. I like the orange flavor, as it tastes kinda like orange soda when I drink it.
For some "grand motherly" advice - my granny used to swear by apple cider vinegar. Take two tablespoons in one cup of cold water before you eat dinner every night for a week when you are sick. This helps "pickle" the virus in your system until it gets flushed out. I have done this, and it does work. If you are allergic or dont like the taste, then eating vinegar pickles is another source. Drinking lots of hot tea with fresh squeezed lemon also can help.
Keep some kind of cane by you and use it every time you get out of bed or get up from a chair, it will help steady you when you get up in case you feel dizzy. You can also keep a hard chair, like a dining room chair, near you also, and use the back of it to steady yourself.
I dont know what to tell you about being in your physical location, since Im in Texas....I have no idea about your city or neighborhood, so I cant offer any suggestions on that. The only suggestion I can think of, is if you have a local LGBT organization, to give them your phone number and ask them to call you once a day until you are better, to make sure you answer the phone. At least they might be able to send someone to come check on you until your better.
As for living conditions, have you thought of a roommate? If there is a local LGBT organization near you, you might also check with them on certified roomies. There would be someone to share expenses and also someone there in case you need help. Just a thought.
For me, my "down" time of the year is from December to February. Cause things are geared from Cmas directly to Valentines Day before January 1st is even here. Well, where I live anyway.
But I have friends who have had it a hell of a lot worse than me. So when I am down and feeling like all is lost, I think of what they had to go through in the past 10 years, and then I know my life doesnt suck as bad as I thought. Although I am alone, I am not really lonely, other than on a few occasions during the year. Yes, it would be nice to have someone around, but as I said before, Ive gotten used to "doing" for myself.
Its not a "gay" thing, its not a "straight" thing, its not a "guy" thing, its not a "girl" thing....its a LIVING LIFE tihng. Its hard for a lot of people. Especially in the recent downturn of the economy and now the governement being even more corrupt than ever, its a never ending mental battle to stay sane sometimes. Its hard for a lot of people.
I know its hard not having a vehicle, you get "stuck" a lot. And sometimes that can be mind numbing and claustrophobic, as well as a huge inconvenient pain in the ass. But once again, if you have a local LGBT org near you, they may have some services they can offer if you need help. Checking on you when you are sick, taking you to the store, helping around the house...etc. Regardless of whether they can help or not in some things, at least you have tried. And even better if they do offer those services...you can meet new people, find some new friends maybe.
I always thought that if I ever won the lottery or something, I would start my own little town, of people like us. So we could all be together. Ive talked to teens, adults, and others alike, needing to get out of bad situations, or just needing a little help now and then, and I feel helpless cause I cant jump in my truck and get something done.
Hell, I have the government hounding me for money I dont have, and they have been doing it for years. They have threated to garnish my wages, and if they do, I wont be able to afford to live on my own anymore. Ive been homeless before, I really dont want to do it again. I have an old truck Im constantly dumping what little extra money I have outta my paychecks into, just to keep it running so I can get to work. Im diabetic and even with insurance, my meds cost more than I can really afford. I have lived from paycheck to paycheck my whole life, and the few times I have ever saved any money, some catastrphe has happened to suck all that savings dry. All of my close friends moved to other states long ago. I dont make friends very easily at all, and most of the people I loved have all died. My sister is my only living relative, other than my nephews and neices she's had over the years (long story). Ive only had ONE vacation in my entire working life. And the close friend I did have long ago, stabbed me in the back when I needed help the most.....so thats another reason I dont make friends easily, I dont trust anyone. Hell, I cant even have a pet, because the pet deposits nowdays are more than my freeking rent!!
Even though people have come to me for advice and assistance most of my adult life, I cant even seem to do it for myself. I can help plenty of other people, but cant seem to help myself most of the time.
So there are a lot of us out there. We are just scattered all over the world, which unfortunately, makes it seem even a much lonlier place. But we are all here, trying to get along the best way we know how.
Some of us, like you, luck out and find love and/or romance....most of us cant even get a date with a deaf, dumb, and blind man, much less any other kind (no offense to anyone, just making a point).
I would say move to another state, but Ive done that, and it wasnt any different for me in another state than it is here in Texas, where I was born and grew up.
Whats the saying??? "Making the best of a bad situation".
So, hopefully this little schpeel of mine will make you feel better about some things, and not so bad about others. And hopefully you will know you arent alone in the big, bad, cold world.
Have a BIG bite of mac n cheese for me.....I cant eat that stuff anymore!!!!