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I must come all the way out!!!
I am 66 and have thought of myself as happily gay for 56 years. But I never came completely out. I have hidden the fact that I was a telepath from everyone except my family and a few close friends. I grew up in a close family of telepaths on the island of Manhattan in NYC. In my childhood, the family name Gilhooly scared the shit out of people. People would look at me suspiciously and ask is your Uncle John that Irish bastard who runs the five boroughs of NY. Yes he is. I love my Uncle John and I will fucking kill you if you so much as blink at me, At the age of 8, I liked to roam around Washington Heights with a loaded revolver stuck in my pants. I would yawn and look casually about. I would ask people if they knew any fucking nuns I could kill. Or, is there a Catholic priest who needs killing, I'm your man.

Some people thought I was a cute blond haired Irish kid who liked to giggle and have fun. Others wondered why I could stare so maliciously at someone. People scratched there head, is he cute or a stone killer. At that point I didn't care. Being nice was alright but I was hoping I might get into a real war some day. Deep down I knew I was an honorable marine and would someday fight for my life and the others that I loved.

My Uncle John said I was the most powerful telepath in the family because I could teach non-family members to be telepaths. I went to work at birth. My first friend, Tommy Mullins, was a telepath by 3. My favorite baker in my building, Mrs. Donahue, became a telepath by 4. The only priest I ever respected was a telepath by 6. A German I liked who rubbed my hiny became a telepath at 5. Tommy Gallagher became a telepath at 8. Jimmy Joseph became a telepath by 10. At first I was converting the world to telepaths. But I got very horny for jimmy and slowed down. I liked to have sex with one telepath at a time. I felt confused. Would I kill some guy or lose my virginity to some guy.

On 6/21/68 I got hit by a freight train called Tom. He had no idea what a telepath was so I sat quietly and listened to his thoughts. His thoughts made me very horny. He was from Iowa. His dad owned a small store. He looked a lot like Mark Hammill in Star Wars. I thought I was hopelessly in love with a guy because of the way he thought. I sure hoped he would have sex with me without saying a word. I knew exactly what I wanted to do to him at first glance. I covered my mouth with a book I was reading by Masters & Johnson on Sexual Experimentation and spoke out loud. "Hey Tom, did you read this book?" "Well, John, I am reading it right now." "Me, too, Tom, I would like to conduct experiments on you. You want to try a few experiments. I am available if you are."

Let me stop and try to explain. Pretend your are fucking a girl. Normally you feel the sensations in your own genitals. BUT if she is a telepath, you would also feel the sensations in her vagina. You cannot tell whose orgasm you are experiencing. You get utterly lost in the sensations of the other persons body. That first night, Tom and I walked to the East River just north of Gracie Mansion. I felt a major erection coming but realized it wasn't mine. I looked over at Tom's jeans and he was the guy with a very hard erection. I liked the feel of his erection better than mine. I was used to my own erections for 22 years and often ignored them if I was busy. No matter how much I tried, I could never ignore his sensations or feelings. If Tom had an itch, I scratched it. If Tom was about to sneeze I said God bless you. We anticipated every movement and felt it. Not just the delightful sensations of fucking but playing with each others nipples or tongues. You feel every motion differently. I am scratching my stomach right now NO BIG DEAL. If a stranger you like starts scratching you love it or hate it immediately.

We played games with each other constantly. Tom would stand up and look at me. John, fuck me like you really hate me. Guys, I tried to answer the call to fuck Tom when he requested it. No matter how many times I tried to tell him I hate the sight of you I always fell on the floor laughing. There was no way I could hate Tom and fuck him to orgasm. After twenty minutes on the floor, we would calm down and get back to business. It was strange and we kept it that way. we never wanted to be two normal gay guys who fucked in bed. We fucked for 11 weeks from 6/21/68 to 8/30/68 when Tom saw me to the plane for Parris Island. As a well trained telepath, I had fun with my drill instructors. My Uncle John had trained me how to fight telepathically from 8 to 14. There was nothing I didn't know about fighting with a gun, rifle, switchblade or baseball bat that I didn't know. My uncle swang a baseball bat at my head and I caught it with a vise grip. You flick the bat quickly and the energy goes up and exits from the top of the bat. I politely handed the bat back. My cousin who was my uncle's son was not as good. Invariably his fingers broke when the bat hit his hand. I would tell my cousin NOT to feel pain because it gets in the way of a clean reaction to a provocation. Most people think when they are attacked. I never do. I REACT.

Sounds weird, but fights give me hardons and sex with guys gives me hardons. Tom and I tried to be fearless and true to each other. I hurt some guys who were stupid enough to try to annoy Tom or I. I never started a fight with anyone. I have never lost a fight. I am always embarrassed that the idea of a fight gives me an erection. Another strange thing happened. Neither Tom or I were exhibitionists by ourselves. When the two of us became like one person. we promptly wanted to have a public orgasm to share our love with anyone who wanted to watch. On 6/22/68 I fucked Tom all over the George Washington Bridge. I fucked Tom on Machu Pichu. I fucked Tom on a disintegrating walkway at Iguassu Falls in Argentina. I fucked Tom at the Galleria in Houston. I fucked Tom on my balcony in San Francisco {440 Jackson St. 20th floor}. An aircraft carrier was stuck on a sand bar in front of Alcatraz. Five thousand sailors stood on deck trying to lift the carrier off the sand bar. Tom and I fucked and cheered them to victory. Tom and I fucked looking down from the Hotel Frontenac in Quebec. We fucked on Mont Real in the city of Mont Real. We fucked on Coney Island and every bridge in NYC. We fucked on the Golden Gate Bridge to keep an east-west balance in our life.

We fucked while cooking dinner. We fucked while eating dinner. We fucked while washing pots and pans. We recycled and used our bodies as plates. We put slices of meatloaf over our erections and ate everything until the last drop exploded.

Guys, we swore we would never fuck the same way twice. We swore we would learn something new everyday and incorporate into our sex life. Our life was so hard. Sometimes we had to have 20 orgasms in one day just to make sure we didn't repeat.

We invented office fucking, Xerox fucking, small kitchen fucking, conference table fucking and of course we loved to fuck on desks owned by government agencies. We fucked at all tourist sights we saw on 4 continents and 40 American cities. We truly believed we probably fucked not far from where you live. But time caught up to us. When I die Tom and I intend to share our love with Australia, Asia and Antarctica. I hope penguins aren't squemish about seeing ghosts fuck. Pengy We have our reputation as fearless fuckers to keep up.

Civilization requires men to love each other. Tom and I kept up our end. Why don't all you GaySpeaking guys get a few more orgasms in before you retire for the night. There are about one trillion orgasms on the planet every year. God is very aware he designed us to be horny. Jesus woke up with an erection. Jesus had wet dreams. It is hard to believe that a guy who hung around with 12 other guys didn't know a lot of dirty jokes. let's make God proud of us and celebrate the sensational nature of sex.

If anybody ever had telepathic sex, I would really love to hear from you. Recently I told a close friend there was 3 ways. Gay, straight and telepathic


The internet says telepathy doesn't exist. Oddly, I am still breathing. I continued my research. Psychiatrists believe in "symbiotic interdependence". Tom and I were not gay telepaths. We were symbiotic interdependent gay guys.. Personally I hate trying to stay current with politically correct university doctors. Doctors make big money to change names of syndromes. Drug companies might sue each other since no one understands drug interactions. One drug said "vivid dreams". I thought I had a psychotic break. I love how psychiatrists babble pure bullshit and charge 800 an hour.

Let's bill the AMA. Gay guys are great bullshit artists.

I've heard my ex-wife say things when she wasn't talking on a number of occasions, usually just one word, and I'd ask "What did you say?" She would reply, "I didn't say anything." I would tell her, "You just said (her best friend's name)." and she would say, "Oh, I was just thinking we should go visit her."

Freaked me out the first time, then I figured out what was going on.

Well, science will tell you many things don't exist that in fact do exist. While I am one to look for mundane explanations first, I know there is more to us and to this world than many are aware of. Telepathy, empathy (to the point of reading emotions, not just an educated guess at what another feels), precognition; just a few of the things about some people that science will call hog wash and, things I know are anything but for some of us.

I was 'exposed' to magic as in witchcraft, not illusion, at a very young age.

I have seen and experienced things which science flat refuses to acknowledge. Such as early exposure to what Christians call 'demons'. One doesn't see a demon, one experiences it.

Science flat denies a spiritual plane, however those of us who have taken a walk on the 'wild side' know too well that there is a spiritual plane and far more in this world than what science is willing to agree exists.

I have little doubt in a telepathic connection, especially between two individuals who are close. I think most manifestations of that are pretty 'tame', intuitive more than actual 'reading'. but I have known individuals who have been pretty close to just giving up on speaking because they knew the others thoughts profoundly, deeply.

I can't say I have had the experience. I was 'treated' to horrors as a child that pretty much keeps me pushing anything remotely 'out of this world' as hard away from me as possible. I live in constant denial of many things, such as what I see that others can't. What I call 'things' which others may call ghosts, demons spirits.

I may have connected once on a deeper level with another human being - something akin to this telepathy. Nothing as clear and obvious as reading thoughts though.

This is definitely on some other shit, but I kind of like it....

Sounds like an interesting gay spiritual novel. I have experiences where I can tell what type of a person Somone is and I always say things before people say it. It happens a lot and people start looking at my like whaat. LOL! Thanks for sharing.

i would love to be taught to be a telepath Tongue

Where can I sign up for classes lol?

This is what I found every telepath had in common. A genius IQ of 140 or more. Extreme sensitivity caused by severe child abuse or exposure to death at an early age. Every telepath I knew had fearlessness as a trait. You must. When you get that close to another person, you know exactly what he feels all the time. That includes every time he gets pissed at you, you know it. When he laughs at a joke you don't like, you know it. You don't like something about each other, you know it.

The major problem for Tom and I, neither of us became dominant. With older telepaths as a child, I always obeyed them. With Tom, we both claimed free will. We had verbal fights [secretly] where we insulted each other until we laughed, cried or walked out on each other.

No matter how many times I said goodbye to Tom, we always got back together. The other relationships we had were warm and inviting. As telepaths, we felt like one person. You felt like one person with two brains. We freaked out watching Jeopardy. We always beat the contestants on the show.

We could have committed serious crimes and gotten away with it. One day for fun, we went to a casino in Las Vegas. Tom played poker. I circled and told Tom what everyone else was holding. He won almost non-stop. It was so easy to cheat at cards, it felt creepy. I often think we could have stolen millions if we wanted to. For reasons only God knows, we found it sickening to be thieves. Telepathy itself feels so nice, we hated to screw it up by sinning. We had so much sex, it felt like an addiction.

Sounds strange but there were times we couldn't stand having any more pleasure. We absolutely had to get away from each other to stay somewhat normal. Together we were barely aware of the existence of others. It feels like a fantasy world but you are actually living it. Fantasy often made us feel insane. We would forget where we were and do whatever we felt like doing. I can't understand how we didn't get arrested for exhibitionism.

Tom died but I still get lost in his memories which pop up. I have no personal memory of Tom's dad beating him, but I will suddenly remember the pain he felt. That doesn't happen to often. When it works it feels PERFECT. When it doesn't you feel PAIN.

I would not recommend it to everyone but I know it can be taught. The links between Tom already existed before we met. It felt PERFECT the moment we met. Every so often, we had to take a year off and get used to dealing with regular people. The world as it is isn't ready to tolerate telepaths. I hope we are an early wave of a future age when PERFECTION feels normal. Nothing in this world feels PERFECT. We often collided and despised each others. BOOM we were back together again.

I hope heaven feels as good as telepathy and everyone knows how others feel with out fear of PAIN.

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