01-23-2013, 10:08 AM
Tayvie Wrote:OK so some of you don't know me obviously so I'll start from the beginning of my story about this boy. It was October 2011 and "D" started talking to me trying to be my friend. You know nothing wrong with that. He was in a couple of my classes so I guess I caught his eye. We had some meaningful conversations I would consider I guess. So around December 2011 I start to realize that I like him. In February (this is another long story but I'll cut to the chase) he finds out that I like him but not directly from me. I know strange but I'm OK with it. He kind of starts avoiding me and I wind up apologizing. I never get a definite yes or no if he likes me as well or even if he's gay. It's not like he ever had a girlfriend though. And when we did talk he never talked about girls. 2 months past and now it's May 2012. He starts talking to me again as if nothing happened between us which I was alright with. It was pretty sweet. Then the summer happens; uneventful and we don't keep in touch. September rolls around and he never talks to me just stares at me. It scares me. He doesn't start talking to me again till November 2012 again like we're cool. But now for the past few weeks I have noticed that he gets super nervous and embarrassed near me. Something that I have left out is that when I talk to him my face goes beat red and I can barely even think of what I wanted to say to him. So I don't what to think of what to do or even what to think about him. I need some advice.
Solution= Man up. In this situation I'd go, "Are you ok? You look a little different?" He'll probably reply with "Yeah, nothing is wrong." and that when i'll twitch one eye and go, "You've been acting really weird lately." Pretty much blame HIM for everything, eventually he'll explode under the accusations and tell you what's up. Just keep blaming him for everything, disregard the past like it never happened. he will bring it up if he's angry you never closed the book on it. but just keep suggesting he is at fault for EVERYTHING. everywaking moment you get just say, "Geez you're being really weird today." Say that same exact line. EVERY DAY. eventually he'll snap. muhuhahahaha