Bang yourself in the head repeatedly, you'll fall asleep in no time
I want to own a home of my own...nothing big, nothing fancy, just home
I've got a bush trailer I can donate,
It's nothing big, nothing fancy but it's a home....
My neighbour has just given me a plate of food,
My daughter in law has just given me a plate of food
Both plates of food are delicous
I don't know what to do....
start visiting restaurants an stealing others people food at gun point and make them tell you "I made this for you, love"
I'm tired of using standard deviation as an error measure
Use 3 x STD Dev. I do that all the time in industry
Oh BTW afterwards you have obtained a normal distribution eradicate the bi-modal distribution
Stats.... I hate stats....
Don't read stats. Problem solved.
I am in need of another high end video card for a PC.
Steal one.
I don't want to cook tonight.
Eat only raw food
im really thirsty