Arrange to meet him at a neutral location (coffee shop where your unlikely to meet anyone else you know)
If he asks why, just tell him you have something important that you want to tell him, and that it has to be face to face.
Once you meet, you need to build up to telling him.
i.e. Explain how he's been your best friend forever, how you want him to hear this from you and not from some gossip that may be floating around etc, and that you don't want what your about to tell him to change your friendship in any way. Then take a deep breath and just tell him
There are a few things I would recommend thinking about before you tell him, so you can be prepared so to speak:
1. If he is in the same social group as you, you need to talk about whether your ok with him talking to people about this, or if you want him to maintain complete confidentiality.
2. Is he friends with any of your siblings/family? If so and your not out to any of them, you need to tell him he absolutely cant tell anyone. (in fact I would make a family member definitely next on your list of people to tell!)
3. You need to be absolutely clear to him that you have no romantic interest in him whatsoever. Lie if you have to, anything less and it may all end in tears. He will ask outright (or think) that you fancy him, so setting this straight from the off will make everything more comfortable from the get go.
4. One of his first questions will be "are you sure"? Saying "yeah I think so" wont cut it. You need to have a clear answer, including how long you've known. He may even ask what type of guy you're attracted to (Ive had that almost from day 1 of the straight friends Ive told you wouldn't believe LoL)
The last thing I will say is, if you've told 8 girls already then he probably already knows - Ive never knows 8 women in my life who don't just love a gossip LoL..... Especially if they know he's your best friend.
dont forget to tell us on here how it goes
Good Luck