I saw this... I say yes!... Even tho I love my cat they are eating all of our wonderful birds!
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I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
Are they really doing enough damage to warrant such an action?
I seriously doubt it.
Well we have lots of dumb birds that forgot how to fly... There was a time that there were no cats dogs or other animals to kill these birds.
Dr. Morgan is chomping on dead cow meat as a human predator while he criticizes cats for being cats.
The food chain is the food chain, perhaps his next task will be to eradicate all predator animals everywhere, i.e. killer whales, wolves, sharks, humans? What an idiot.
Perhaps the next time he chows down on a Big Mac he might want to consider where it came from...
yep; chasing cats is something people do well.
sorry, I wouldn't be so bitter if my man was around, lol
sexual frustration manifested as aggression, the legacy of the male
kidding folks
Im totally agreeing with the eradication of all feral animals.
There having such a huge impact or our native flora and fauna its gone well beyond a joke.
Cats are inquisitive creatures and if you've ever owned one will know they like to chase small toys and there eye sight is keen on any movement, there natural born killers.
Now put these animals in an environment such as New Zealand and Australia where we have had multiple flightless birds, small mammals and not to mention the reptiles and amphibians it was asking for trouble.
Australia has had the highest extinction rate of all mammals within the past century and its not changing its becoming ever so worse.
See cats will be constantly on the prowl, even if they have a full stomach they will still hunt and kill other animals if given the chance.
I remember reading a paper on the eradication of feral cats within Australia and seen a picture of a shot cats dissection and it contained something like 14 lizards, 2 finches (small birds), 3 field hopping mice and 9 frogs.
Now when you have say oh I don't know a few million feral cats like we do the impact is devastating on our ecosystem.
Im all for responsible ownership of our feline friends and controlled breeding its just the feral I hate and when I state responsible ownership that's meaning kept inside the house and only allowed outside under supervision or in an approved cat run.
It just pisses me off so much to watch the devastation occurring all around myself and the government doing nothing about it other than collecting higher taxes.