rover330 Wrote:Varanus, with all due respect, is everyone in Australia as barbaric as you?
Well to be honest, in Oceania, due to such a long time of isolation, our respective ecosystems are extremely different to other landmasses and volatile.
If you've ever seen a show called Border Patrol, that sort of explains how sensitive Australia in particular is.
New Zealand is similar. We only had birds, no mammals except bats, until we were introduced to foreign animals, many of which become pests and endanger our rare animals and plants.
We sort of have to be really cold blooded, because time isn't on our side, and we have protect the species that are at risk.
We were taught in primary school that ferrets and possums etc. are dangerous pests and to be killed, it was quite gruesome how they described the poison to us. Apparently it causes huge internal haemorrhaging. o_o
I don't think ferrets and things are evil, but what else can we do?
But cats are adorable

I love cats. Theyre just dangerous and awful.