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Today. Today my patience was tested. It takes alot to test it. Today I hopped on the bus like an other day to go to work. As my bus takes off at the main transit center (where all the city buses pull in and pull out for their different routes) a man comes running past my bus frantically. He was chasing a bus and doing his best to catch up to it. The bus was still moving relatively slow as it pulled out so he starts banging on the side of the bus. it stops and he disappears into the bus. My bus pulls out. Suddenly the bus the man had stopped- stops in front of our bus and the man steps down frazzled and exhausted. Suddenly he's running for my bus which stops and lets him on. This man could have been straight but he made it very obvious he was gay. But he was out of breath and his backpack had opened and he looked like a mess.

"Wrong bus, sorry." He says. Than these two woman in front of me start talking about him.

"Oh my god, he's so gay! Look at those pants!" and she starts laughing at him, "The bus driver should've kept going just to see how fast the gay guy could've run." She then proceeded to make remarks about his fashion. That wasn't the worse part though. A few blocks later an elderly transexual hopped on board. Comments gallore. I heard several people joking about her looks in spanish because she was an american transexual. But she's standing up at the front of the bus. Very weak and tired obviously looking to see if anyone would offer her a seat. nobody budges and that woman that had made the remarks about the gay guy starts laughing. In my town one of the bus rules is that if anyone over 60 steps on board the people in the front of the bus are supposed to stand up and make way for the elderly. I've seen it done multiple times. but this time nobody up front moved. I wanted to yank her weave out of her hair. I really wanted to beat the living daylights out of her. I wanted to help the transexual too. But I just can never bring myself to give a charity/luxary to a transexual because im not sure if i will insult their pride. She was forced to stand at the front of the bus staring back at everyone in her fur coat. I saw a hint of embarrassment in her eyes. But i was afraid that if i offered her my seat all the way in the back her pride would be struck. Maybe im wrong. maybe i would've made her day. I dont know.... if i see her on my bus again and it happens again. i will offer her the seat. but right now i was just sooooooo ANGRY WITH EVERYONES ARROGANT REMARKS!!!!!!

Relax, that's how people are. Just do the best you can and forget them. Does no good getting all riled up over others, you can't change them. All you can do is change how you react to them. Try indiffernce instead of anger, much less stressful.

People make ignorant remarks like that all the time. While yes it is frustrating, you have to let it go. These people are just stupid.

Blue Wrote:Relax, that's how people are. Just do the best you can and forget them. Does no good getting all riled up over others, you can't change them. All you can do is change how you react to them. Try indiffernce instead of anger, much less stressful.

Does indifference allow for beating the living daylights of of someone. If it does I'm totally in. Otherwise I'll just be really peeved.

LOL no, it allows you not to stress out over things you have no control over and, can't change but have to accept as happening in your world. Wisdom, the corsage to change the the things you can, the strength to accept the ones you can't and, the wisdom to know the difference.

Thats frustrating that people are that fricken obsessed with everybody else, mind your own f@cking business. People like that irritate me too man. Also just a little advice, dont call people of the trans community trannys, it can be taken offensively. Its as offensive to a transgendered or transsexual person as it is to be called a fag. I know you didnt mean anything by it hun, i just thought i could save an you an earful from someone else.

Wow Lewis you must live in a very biased community , this is not the first time this has happened with you. I am willing to bet there is a holy roller behind all this preaching hate.

It's so very heartbreaking ,I wish people like that would just drop of the planet.
Sorry you had to be witness to such hate.

Lewis, it isn't indefference, it is realising that by talking like that and obviously loud enough for you to hear and everyone in between you and the bigots could hear, only makes those little bigots look bad.

I think you are being a little sensitive mate, so let those bitches fall on their swards...it's all about karma Wink

ManicLewis21 Wrote:if i see her on my bus again and it happens again. i will offer her the seat.
This is the right thing to do.

And don't care about the ignorance of other people, but not ignore them.
Just do what your pride suggest to you.
A lot of people like the 'two woman' take advantage of their complicity in front of someone like a lonley and tired transexual, but if stranger (a young man) takes the defenses of him, probably they should feel humiliated.
And I think you can see around someone that approves your behavior, someone undecided or shy and disgusted like you.

Nothing says -shame on all of you - like offering a kindness to another person - when no one else will.

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