02-05-2013, 09:44 PM
I thought I'd just introduce myself here. I'm kinda a loud mouth and opinionated, but have a big heart so don't worry.
I usually try to help anyone I can and try to sooth and save from misery anyone and everyone I can.
I have been house bound pretty much my whole life and am still praying hard to be able to make enough money to move out into a place of my own.
Because of this I sometimes act younger then I am, but believe me I'm very OLD by now lol!
Well, I live in OK (and no I won't give more info then that) and it's so darn CLOSED and CLOSETED down here and getting so darn much worse that I HAVE to move.
( Turns out I can't get a job anymore cause I'm gay now
! )
So yeah,
That's well, me and my situation.
Not much else to say, I hope everyone is having a good day and I hope to learn a lot and get a lot of Soul SOOTHING friends from this site.
(I'm SICK of being told I'm EVIL by my old parents and my brother harassing me cause I'm gay. >X-P!
Then my Brother AND Dad look over my shoulder, BLATANTLY to stare at any girls I got on my screen. It's SICK!
All the while my dad's pounding me on the head how I'm EVIL cause I'm a WOMAN am GAY and WANT BIRTH CONTROL and the ability to GO TO THE DOCTOR. >X-P!
See? this is WHY I WANT to LEAVE and NEED friends.
! !!!!!
Anyway, sorry for the spill/rant.
hi guys.
:wave: *Shy wave* :wave:

I thought I'd just introduce myself here. I'm kinda a loud mouth and opinionated, but have a big heart so don't worry.

I usually try to help anyone I can and try to sooth and save from misery anyone and everyone I can.

I have been house bound pretty much my whole life and am still praying hard to be able to make enough money to move out into a place of my own.
Because of this I sometimes act younger then I am, but believe me I'm very OLD by now lol!

Well, I live in OK (and no I won't give more info then that) and it's so darn CLOSED and CLOSETED down here and getting so darn much worse that I HAVE to move.
( Turns out I can't get a job anymore cause I'm gay now

So yeah,

That's well, me and my situation.
Not much else to say, I hope everyone is having a good day and I hope to learn a lot and get a lot of Soul SOOTHING friends from this site.

Then my Brother AND Dad look over my shoulder, BLATANTLY to stare at any girls I got on my screen. It's SICK!
All the while my dad's pounding me on the head how I'm EVIL cause I'm a WOMAN am GAY and WANT BIRTH CONTROL and the ability to GO TO THE DOCTOR. >X-P!
See? this is WHY I WANT to LEAVE and NEED friends.

Anyway, sorry for the spill/rant.
hi guys.
:wave: *Shy wave* :wave: