02-06-2013, 09:04 AM
Hello Everyone.
I've been around for awhile now, and have been gone for a bit as well. I've made a few posts, read far more than I've written, and have decided that it's time to participate, and to finally introduce myself.
I'm 43. I was born and raised in San Francisco, and live near Santa Cruz CA,USA. I've been out of the closet for about a year now to my Mother, (Dads passed on, but would have been accepting and supportive) and to three of my gay friends. Actually to be honest. Back then, I was undecided. I knew that I wasn't straight and told them all that I was definitely Bi but possibly gay.
Just three weeks ago after much thought and observation. I've decided that I really am gay. I say it out loud to myself daily and it just feels natural, and not weird or uncomfortable in any way. I feel gay and find myself ogling more and more guys on a daily basis.
I was really stressed out about it for awhile. Inner conflicts plus daily job stresses were really starting to wear me down. I had a week off and did some real soul searching and came to the all out conclusion that all made sense, that I AM GAY. I can look at women and say that I don't really see an attraction. I'm not blind or dead but the thought is basically like "YAWN!", and at least to myself, I can say that "this or that guy looks cute or hot!"
I'm still learning how this all will play out, but I've accepted myself as being gay and have recently told my Mother that I'm not just Bi, but gay.She's really great about it and I'm so glad that she is. I've read some posts where the parents just flip. That's really sad, and obviously painful and very difficult for someone whose just realizing who and what they are and just want to confide their deepest secret with someone close to them.
I'm really looking forward to talking and sharing with you all. This is a really great place with good people.
I'll be posting in the coming out thread soon.

I've been around for awhile now, and have been gone for a bit as well. I've made a few posts, read far more than I've written, and have decided that it's time to participate, and to finally introduce myself.
I'm 43. I was born and raised in San Francisco, and live near Santa Cruz CA,USA. I've been out of the closet for about a year now to my Mother, (Dads passed on, but would have been accepting and supportive) and to three of my gay friends. Actually to be honest. Back then, I was undecided. I knew that I wasn't straight and told them all that I was definitely Bi but possibly gay.
Just three weeks ago after much thought and observation. I've decided that I really am gay. I say it out loud to myself daily and it just feels natural, and not weird or uncomfortable in any way. I feel gay and find myself ogling more and more guys on a daily basis.
I was really stressed out about it for awhile. Inner conflicts plus daily job stresses were really starting to wear me down. I had a week off and did some real soul searching and came to the all out conclusion that all made sense, that I AM GAY. I can look at women and say that I don't really see an attraction. I'm not blind or dead but the thought is basically like "YAWN!", and at least to myself, I can say that "this or that guy looks cute or hot!"
I'm still learning how this all will play out, but I've accepted myself as being gay and have recently told my Mother that I'm not just Bi, but gay.She's really great about it and I'm so glad that she is. I've read some posts where the parents just flip. That's really sad, and obviously painful and very difficult for someone whose just realizing who and what they are and just want to confide their deepest secret with someone close to them.
I'm really looking forward to talking and sharing with you all. This is a really great place with good people.
I'll be posting in the coming out thread soon.