Well I did nothing special for my birthday , It was just like as every other usual day . But it wasn't very happy day because almost everyone had forgotten that it was my birthday , even my boyfriend and when I returned home from school my birthday cake was already cuted and I didn't blow out the candles as I expected . Maybe the next year will be better .
:blowing-birthday-ca Thank you nick9
I haven't gotten a cake or flowers from my family for my 40 birthday. They didn't forget. I guess they thought I was too big already, I don't know.
Yeah, some rituals should be kept...
In my country, 18 is a big birthday - you are legally adult from now on. If it really bothers you, the way the "party" went, make a party just for yourself or something. Because if we won't be good to ourselves, who will?
Sorry I'm late, but Happy Birthday! Now you can click on links that say "18 or older"!