Well, I'm in the New England. I guess the logging companies once went through and cut down most of the woods and the state had to buy a lot of the land back, at least in Western Massachusetts. According to this book I'm reading I guess deer were once a rare sighting to farmers, but now they're everywhere, can get overpopulated.
Here in the Northeastern US, like the rest of North America, there are coyotes. I live near the woods and often, usually in the summer, I can here them making this strange cackling sound. I think it is when they are in the pastures and chasing a skunk, or raccoon, or rabbit or something. It's like, a demonic sound effect you'd hear at the movies. It's cool, creepy, you'd have to listen to it, you can probably look it up online.
Raccoons can be smart enough to unzip tents. A rabid one once made it to my front porch and my dad had to shoot it so it wouldn't infect us or our dogs.
Skunks aren't in the UK, right? I think they had ancestors in Eurasia that went extinct, at least according to Wikipedia. I've never seen a skunk alive, or I think I might have once when I was a child and can vaguely remember it. Roadkill, awful, awful smell.
I've seen opossums before. You know, hanging by they're tails from trees, pouches for their young like kangaroos, playing dead to predators. I've only seen them at night. My grandma whose lived in my town her whole life didn't see one until a few years ago as I was driving her home on the road.
Owls, seen them. I've seen barn owl before, it is a very beautiful owl. Sometimes a snowy owl, like Harry Potter's Hedwig, fly through, though I've never seen one.
Bats at night, one once got into my house and I had to kill it, it was very small, delicate creatures.
Bobcats, I've seen them. They're pretty big.
I once saw a weasel, I think it was deranged, it kept on chasing its tail in a goat pasture.
Martins, bigger weasel-things in the weasel family, seen them, from distances though, clime trees.
Bears, I see bears more than deer. Black bears that is. They just, I just wish they could be more shy. Going on porches, knocking down bird feeders, ugh.
Fisher cat - an even bigger, bigger weasel-thing. One of these, things, ate my cat!!!!!
I've only seen mouse in Canada, though people have seen them in region.
I've never seen any wolves, though supposedly they released a pack in Vermont. Some people I know have said they seen one loner wolf.
Birds: Cardinals, blue jays. I've seen some pretty ducks before. One bird, not a duck, the chickadee, Massachusetts state bird, in the summer it has a call that sounds like "phwee phoo" and in the Winter, it sounds like this "chick a dee dee dee dee." Then there are the mourning doves. They are small, and, naturally monogamous. They select one mate, and mate for life. Like other birds they recognize each other by their calls, and when a mourning doves mate dies, they sing a different call, distinct from their usual calls, a mourning song. I guess that is why they are called mourning doves, Sad

Squirrels and chipmunks. Foxes.