is there any guy left on the planet who does not shave his pubes off, or trim them close?
are you single? lol
in other words, any guy who leaves them grow as they will
do not understand the current fashion trend of shaving the pubes off, total turnoff to me,
just my personal taste
I have never shaved down there and never will. There's a snowball's chance in hell of any kind of blade getting anywhere near that area if I can help it. I wouldn't mind if someone else had shaved/trimmed theirs, though.
I dont shave did it like twice and it's just uncomfortable :l so i just keep it nicely trimmed Plus having it all gone is kinda weird.
I was a huge proponent of shaving the pubes until the BF said otherwise. I'll be going natural here in a month or two once it grows back. I'm gonna look like a freak!
Trimmed, tidy just to keep the wild hairs in line. Not super short and definitely not shaved.
The handful of sparse chest hairs I have also get trimmed to keep it looking a bit more even.
I shave about twice a week. Why? I just hate having hair in my mouth while I'm playing with other gentlemen's private parts and I don't imagine they like having some in theirs either. It takes about two minutes to do, so why not? I don't mind hair in general, just not down there.