02-19-2013, 04:33 AM
.I am 66 and have been accused of being crazy since childhood. The type of behavior I exhibit is typical of me on 9/12/60, the first day of high school. I wanted to prove myself a man to the other Catholic boys at Manhattan Prep. The school had a tough entrance exam and cost $30 a month. I was already earning my own tuition and chipping in to help pay family obligations.
At 14, I felt I was the horniest boys in NYC. I had never fucked or sucked a guy and wanted to meet a good looking guy in high school and rectify that situation. I was tired of fantasizing and jerking off.
I came down the subway stairs at 242nd St. and entered the diner where Prep boys hung out. The diner was deep with 20 stools with guys eating breakfast. Another 30 were standing around by the walls talking. I walked to the back of the diner and asked the waitress at the cash register for coffee and a buttered roll. She gave it, I paid and moved back to the wall to check out the guys.
The next guy became nasty with the waitress. Told her to be quick with his order. Make it snappy, lady. You are an "underling" employed by the boys from the Prep. I smiled. What the fuck was an underling???? That was a new word on me. The owner, Nick, disliked the word applied to his wife, the waitress. He jumped over the counter and punched me in the mouth and knocked me out. I sure didn't see that punch coming. I heard his wife yell it wasn't that boy, it was this one. Nick grabbed a kid named Ed and punched him 5 or 6 times in the mouth. He dropped unconscious to the floor. Nick, yelled that if any fucking kid from the Prep called the police, told their parents or complained to the high school, they would get THIS. He viciously kicked Ed's ribs and I could hear them break in the distance. I was still seeing stars.
Some guys from the Prep dragged me to school. By lunchtime I felt better and some guys came over to talk. "John," they said, "You can't take a beating for another boy. When Ed gets out of the hospital, you should kick Ed's ass." My mouth hung open. I stood up and announced "Why the fuck should I hit Ed, it was that fucking bastard Nick who hit both of us. Why didn't someone call the police? New York City is considered part of the civilized world. Why didn't one of you miserable cowards call the police? I wouldn't allow that to happen to you or anyone else."
Brother Patrick, the Principal, ran over. "Calm down, John, calm down. Did you have some type of trouble at the diner?" "Ask the guys who were there what happened? There are at least 50 in this room." Bro. Patrick cleared his throat and asked if anyone saw something at the diner. As one, everyone nodded No, we saw nothing. A rather rich looking guy from Westchester stood up and towerd over me. "John must be mistaken Bro. Patrick. We were all there and we saw nothing." "I'm sorry, John, but with no one to corroborate your story there is nothing I can do. Finish your lunch, gentlemen. Live Jesus is our hearts." "Forever" we replied.
After school let out, the asshole who made me look like a liar was waiting with 10 rich friends from Westchester. He said his name was Tony Something of other, the fourth. My dad is a senior executive for Exxon. "John, you don't know the rules of the road in this world. When an owner of a business feels like hitting a customer, the owner is always right. What does your poor daddy do, John?" "He handles freight for Macy's on 35th St."
"Tony the 19th prince of Westchester or whatever your fucking name is, I want to know the exact measurements of your mouth." I forced my entire right fist into Tony's mouth and grinned at his rich friends. "If any of you guys has a big mouth like his lordship here, I am available to fight every day after school. I hope I see all of you guys at the diner again. In fact, I fucking dare you to show up tomorrow." they left mumbling I was crazy or something.
I turned and saw the most beautiful male face looking at me. He said his name was Peter and he liked how I handled Tony. Tony had bullied him all through grammar school. Aside, I would soon see his face in orgasm. He was not ugly like Justin Bieber. His face was perfect the first time I made him cum. A reward for honor was my motto.
I went home told my parents what happened. My mom said "You know what to do." I asked my dad if he would come with me. He looked up from a baseball game and said "Of course." "Thanks guys."
The following morning I came down the subway stairs with my parents. I walked to to the police call box on a pillar. I picked up and told the desk sergeant I had arrived. He said the police would meet us at the diner in 10 minutes.. "Thanks, Hanrahan. How many are coming." "Jesus, John, I had to sell tickets. Every officer is dying to see your family in action."
I held the diner door open for my parents. My father and I proceeded to the center of the diner and stood behind Nick. He was grilling food and didn't notice us enter. My mom was small, about 5'3," with beautiful green eyes. She looked like she was ready to burst out laughing. I pointed at Tony standing 8 feet from my mom and nodded. My mom quietly informed Tony to pay attention. Tony at 6'6" was indifferent to the threat from my mom.
My father spoke quietly Nick. "Yesterday you punched my son John in the mouth. Could you please turn around and face us." Nick said, "Get the fuck out of my diner or I will do the same thing to you." I almost peed in my pants, my mom and I were giggling. Nick's wife yelled from the back of the diner. "A man is leaning towards you. Look out, Nick."
Nick turned and my father's hand grabbed his throat. My father lifted him two feet from the floor. I laughed, took off my watch and said, "Dad, give 30 seconds of hanging time to contemplate his next answer." I looked at my watch and counted from 30 to zero. "Put him down, dad. Time's up."
My father aimed Nick's head at the tile floor and deposited him at my feet. "Son, I want you to commence kicking this man until your mother or I ask you to stop." Nick was struggling to get up, I said "Stay down, Nick, this fight ain't over."
From the front of the store my mother let out a strange growl. Mom yelled to the waitress, "I need to talk to you, dearie, before this fight gets out of control." My mom grabbed the first plate on the diner counter, it crashed into the mirror directly behind Tony's head. The mirror shattered and Tony jumped to attention.
Guys, my mom looked like a bathing queen walking to the back of the diner. She expertly handled every plate, cup, saucer, flatware and napkin holder. She hit everything she aimed at and never ruffled a hair on a teenage boy in that diner. At the rear, she hit the No Sale sign on the cash register. She deposited a large coconut cake in the till. "Dearie, you should wash the money off before you make change with it." She took the fire extinguisher from the wall and placed it carefully inside the glass housing on the juke box.
My mom walked backed towards Nick. "Sir, I think you should apologize to everyone at the Prep for your bad behavior yesterday. I am sure these boys will want to forgive you your trespasses." Nick said nothing. He sat back down. It was funny to watch 50 boys try to get through a small diner door at the same time.
One boy stood looking in awe at me. It was Peter. The most beautiful boy at the Prep. "John, could your parents teach me to operate like this. I wouldn't be afraid of Tony anymore." "Watch what happens outside, Peter. Do me a favor, Put this envelope on the front of car 2392. That car belongs to Captain Smith. Don't let anyone see you. Thanks a lot, Peter."
At first Peter was confused but 4 police cruisers screamed to a stop with lights and siren blaring. About 8 or 9 officers got between the Prep students and the high school. They were herded back to the front of the diner. Captain Smith was a bit old, fat and slowly climbed out of 2392. He grinned at my mom. "Jesus, Peg, It must be 20 years since I danced with you. You look great, Peg." "Well aren't you the biggest Romeo on the force. What did you screw up to be sent to the Bronx?" "For God's sake. Maureen and I moved to Riverdale 10 years ago." "Keep in to touch, Bill, and watch out for my son John." "Peg, for God's sake nothing bad has or will happen to your family in NYC."
At this point I told Peter to put an envelope on the back seat of the Captain's cruiser. Peter seemed confused but did it quietly. The sergeant tipped his hat to Peter and said Good boy. "Is he one of yours John?" "He is now Ed." Peter whispered to me. "What is happening?" "I just inducted you into the Irish Republican Army. You just paid your first bribe to a cop. Pay attention and watch what happens."
"Hanrahan, have the Captain ask Tony, the orangutan from Westchester what happened yesterday., Hanrahan bellowed "Young man, tell the Captain what happened in this diner. We want to know who you reported it to. Did you suborn perjury in the lunchroom yesterday by failing to report a crime in the City of New York?
Tony, the biggest asshole I met in high school, mumbled an answer. The Captain yelled "Speak up young man." Tony said the owner had punched John in the mouth and had broken the ribs of another student. "To whom did you, young men, report this crime? I received no complaints from your parents. The principal did not call me. I can't believe you didn't support another boy at this fine Catholic high school. I may have to arrest every one of you. We don't condone brutality in this city. It may be normal for rich young men from Westchester to behave like bullies. You men had better watch your step. Thank you, John, for reporting the crime you saw."
"Thanks, Captain, I appreciate police support. Nick and his wife were handcuffed and taken away. They lost the diner when they couldn't afford to pay the fines for brutality or the repairs to the store.
Remember, some gay guys are trained to fight by the IRA.
Bro. Patrick was my grammar school principal. he was delighted when I showed up for high school without a revolver or a switchblade. He asked me if I brought my rat, Rasputin. I said No. I gave Rasputin away when I got my cats Scurvy and Beri Beri. He asked me if I would bring my cats to high school. NO sir, My cats hate going to school. they hang out in my house. He was glad I still loved animals. He knew I was very gentle with animals around. By senior year I had won a scholarship to college. Bro. Patrick was so proud I had no fights in high school.
Mr. Mancuso was the best history teacher in the world. He pulled a marijuana joint from my shirt in senior year. "What's this, John?" "Mine," I said. Bro. Patrick came out of his office. "What are you guys laughing about?" "John, is my star pupil. He really loves history." Bro. Patrick smiled and left. "OK Mancuso, I will split a joint with you in the bathroom." I loved getting high in high school in 1964.
The world has changed for the worse!!!!!!!!!!
At 14, I felt I was the horniest boys in NYC. I had never fucked or sucked a guy and wanted to meet a good looking guy in high school and rectify that situation. I was tired of fantasizing and jerking off.
I came down the subway stairs at 242nd St. and entered the diner where Prep boys hung out. The diner was deep with 20 stools with guys eating breakfast. Another 30 were standing around by the walls talking. I walked to the back of the diner and asked the waitress at the cash register for coffee and a buttered roll. She gave it, I paid and moved back to the wall to check out the guys.
The next guy became nasty with the waitress. Told her to be quick with his order. Make it snappy, lady. You are an "underling" employed by the boys from the Prep. I smiled. What the fuck was an underling???? That was a new word on me. The owner, Nick, disliked the word applied to his wife, the waitress. He jumped over the counter and punched me in the mouth and knocked me out. I sure didn't see that punch coming. I heard his wife yell it wasn't that boy, it was this one. Nick grabbed a kid named Ed and punched him 5 or 6 times in the mouth. He dropped unconscious to the floor. Nick, yelled that if any fucking kid from the Prep called the police, told their parents or complained to the high school, they would get THIS. He viciously kicked Ed's ribs and I could hear them break in the distance. I was still seeing stars.
Some guys from the Prep dragged me to school. By lunchtime I felt better and some guys came over to talk. "John," they said, "You can't take a beating for another boy. When Ed gets out of the hospital, you should kick Ed's ass." My mouth hung open. I stood up and announced "Why the fuck should I hit Ed, it was that fucking bastard Nick who hit both of us. Why didn't someone call the police? New York City is considered part of the civilized world. Why didn't one of you miserable cowards call the police? I wouldn't allow that to happen to you or anyone else."
Brother Patrick, the Principal, ran over. "Calm down, John, calm down. Did you have some type of trouble at the diner?" "Ask the guys who were there what happened? There are at least 50 in this room." Bro. Patrick cleared his throat and asked if anyone saw something at the diner. As one, everyone nodded No, we saw nothing. A rather rich looking guy from Westchester stood up and towerd over me. "John must be mistaken Bro. Patrick. We were all there and we saw nothing." "I'm sorry, John, but with no one to corroborate your story there is nothing I can do. Finish your lunch, gentlemen. Live Jesus is our hearts." "Forever" we replied.
After school let out, the asshole who made me look like a liar was waiting with 10 rich friends from Westchester. He said his name was Tony Something of other, the fourth. My dad is a senior executive for Exxon. "John, you don't know the rules of the road in this world. When an owner of a business feels like hitting a customer, the owner is always right. What does your poor daddy do, John?" "He handles freight for Macy's on 35th St."
"Tony the 19th prince of Westchester or whatever your fucking name is, I want to know the exact measurements of your mouth." I forced my entire right fist into Tony's mouth and grinned at his rich friends. "If any of you guys has a big mouth like his lordship here, I am available to fight every day after school. I hope I see all of you guys at the diner again. In fact, I fucking dare you to show up tomorrow." they left mumbling I was crazy or something.
I turned and saw the most beautiful male face looking at me. He said his name was Peter and he liked how I handled Tony. Tony had bullied him all through grammar school. Aside, I would soon see his face in orgasm. He was not ugly like Justin Bieber. His face was perfect the first time I made him cum. A reward for honor was my motto.
I went home told my parents what happened. My mom said "You know what to do." I asked my dad if he would come with me. He looked up from a baseball game and said "Of course." "Thanks guys."
The following morning I came down the subway stairs with my parents. I walked to to the police call box on a pillar. I picked up and told the desk sergeant I had arrived. He said the police would meet us at the diner in 10 minutes.. "Thanks, Hanrahan. How many are coming." "Jesus, John, I had to sell tickets. Every officer is dying to see your family in action."
I held the diner door open for my parents. My father and I proceeded to the center of the diner and stood behind Nick. He was grilling food and didn't notice us enter. My mom was small, about 5'3," with beautiful green eyes. She looked like she was ready to burst out laughing. I pointed at Tony standing 8 feet from my mom and nodded. My mom quietly informed Tony to pay attention. Tony at 6'6" was indifferent to the threat from my mom.
My father spoke quietly Nick. "Yesterday you punched my son John in the mouth. Could you please turn around and face us." Nick said, "Get the fuck out of my diner or I will do the same thing to you." I almost peed in my pants, my mom and I were giggling. Nick's wife yelled from the back of the diner. "A man is leaning towards you. Look out, Nick."
Nick turned and my father's hand grabbed his throat. My father lifted him two feet from the floor. I laughed, took off my watch and said, "Dad, give 30 seconds of hanging time to contemplate his next answer." I looked at my watch and counted from 30 to zero. "Put him down, dad. Time's up."
My father aimed Nick's head at the tile floor and deposited him at my feet. "Son, I want you to commence kicking this man until your mother or I ask you to stop." Nick was struggling to get up, I said "Stay down, Nick, this fight ain't over."
From the front of the store my mother let out a strange growl. Mom yelled to the waitress, "I need to talk to you, dearie, before this fight gets out of control." My mom grabbed the first plate on the diner counter, it crashed into the mirror directly behind Tony's head. The mirror shattered and Tony jumped to attention.
Guys, my mom looked like a bathing queen walking to the back of the diner. She expertly handled every plate, cup, saucer, flatware and napkin holder. She hit everything she aimed at and never ruffled a hair on a teenage boy in that diner. At the rear, she hit the No Sale sign on the cash register. She deposited a large coconut cake in the till. "Dearie, you should wash the money off before you make change with it." She took the fire extinguisher from the wall and placed it carefully inside the glass housing on the juke box.
My mom walked backed towards Nick. "Sir, I think you should apologize to everyone at the Prep for your bad behavior yesterday. I am sure these boys will want to forgive you your trespasses." Nick said nothing. He sat back down. It was funny to watch 50 boys try to get through a small diner door at the same time.
One boy stood looking in awe at me. It was Peter. The most beautiful boy at the Prep. "John, could your parents teach me to operate like this. I wouldn't be afraid of Tony anymore." "Watch what happens outside, Peter. Do me a favor, Put this envelope on the front of car 2392. That car belongs to Captain Smith. Don't let anyone see you. Thanks a lot, Peter."
At first Peter was confused but 4 police cruisers screamed to a stop with lights and siren blaring. About 8 or 9 officers got between the Prep students and the high school. They were herded back to the front of the diner. Captain Smith was a bit old, fat and slowly climbed out of 2392. He grinned at my mom. "Jesus, Peg, It must be 20 years since I danced with you. You look great, Peg." "Well aren't you the biggest Romeo on the force. What did you screw up to be sent to the Bronx?" "For God's sake. Maureen and I moved to Riverdale 10 years ago." "Keep in to touch, Bill, and watch out for my son John." "Peg, for God's sake nothing bad has or will happen to your family in NYC."
At this point I told Peter to put an envelope on the back seat of the Captain's cruiser. Peter seemed confused but did it quietly. The sergeant tipped his hat to Peter and said Good boy. "Is he one of yours John?" "He is now Ed." Peter whispered to me. "What is happening?" "I just inducted you into the Irish Republican Army. You just paid your first bribe to a cop. Pay attention and watch what happens."
"Hanrahan, have the Captain ask Tony, the orangutan from Westchester what happened yesterday., Hanrahan bellowed "Young man, tell the Captain what happened in this diner. We want to know who you reported it to. Did you suborn perjury in the lunchroom yesterday by failing to report a crime in the City of New York?
Tony, the biggest asshole I met in high school, mumbled an answer. The Captain yelled "Speak up young man." Tony said the owner had punched John in the mouth and had broken the ribs of another student. "To whom did you, young men, report this crime? I received no complaints from your parents. The principal did not call me. I can't believe you didn't support another boy at this fine Catholic high school. I may have to arrest every one of you. We don't condone brutality in this city. It may be normal for rich young men from Westchester to behave like bullies. You men had better watch your step. Thank you, John, for reporting the crime you saw."
"Thanks, Captain, I appreciate police support. Nick and his wife were handcuffed and taken away. They lost the diner when they couldn't afford to pay the fines for brutality or the repairs to the store.
Remember, some gay guys are trained to fight by the IRA.

Bro. Patrick was my grammar school principal. he was delighted when I showed up for high school without a revolver or a switchblade. He asked me if I brought my rat, Rasputin. I said No. I gave Rasputin away when I got my cats Scurvy and Beri Beri. He asked me if I would bring my cats to high school. NO sir, My cats hate going to school. they hang out in my house. He was glad I still loved animals. He knew I was very gentle with animals around. By senior year I had won a scholarship to college. Bro. Patrick was so proud I had no fights in high school.
Mr. Mancuso was the best history teacher in the world. He pulled a marijuana joint from my shirt in senior year. "What's this, John?" "Mine," I said. Bro. Patrick came out of his office. "What are you guys laughing about?" "John, is my star pupil. He really loves history." Bro. Patrick smiled and left. "OK Mancuso, I will split a joint with you in the bathroom." I loved getting high in high school in 1964.
The world has changed for the worse!!!!!!!!!!