yes it does suck. and anyone who tells you otherwise is deluding himself/herself - they'll jump at the first opportunity that comes their way to share their lives with someone.
you can get used to being alone and completely independent - perhaps even ignoring what a relationship really feels like if you've never been in one - and live a relatively happy life regardless, but people naturally want to pair with someone else for a reason.
the world is just too cruel to take it on alone, and parents die and friends and siblings will eventually marry too.
It depends on your perspective.
I was in a relationship for 13 years who was a substance abuser and died as a result of that...that was a lot of hard work.
I have had 2 short lived relationships since then, but have been single for the last 7 years. I am not going to say that I don't romanticise about being swept off my feet again because that is human nature.
I will say it does not suck being single, I am quiet happy and content with my life at this point in time. I have some great friends that I love very much and mean the world to me. I have some awesome family that I couldn't imagine life with out.
So once again, it depends on your perspective.
guess I'll throw my 2 cents in...
first of all, I prefer actual conversation to texting, but I guess that's a generational thing.
in my past, you can be more miserable in a relationship than you might be being single. Some of the most peaceful times in my life were when I was working, had friends, and it was just me and the cat, and a quiet apartment.
I had an ex whose family was in constant chaos. They would be showing up at 3 in the morning, evicted, beat up from their husbands, they're fixin' to shut the lights off, I'm about to be evicted, the cops are on the way, the dog got drunk and died and mama's goin' to prison, etc., etc. Since I've gotten my own place and been single, my life has flowed in a lot more peace, lol. Some people like my ex and his family thrive on constant chaos. If there wasn't a crisis they would create one just so they didn't get bored.
I'm not one of those people and have enjoyed the peace of my home for the past few years.
Now I've met a guy I'm getting serious about again, but sometimes, I guess it doesn't hurt to take a time out.
i want to be single, go out clubbig get the shift off anyone have no cares first dates butterflys etc etc something im defo not getting at all from my boyfriend latly and i think its over
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ya good relationship is better but the others are sucker you know..
so nothing really bad to be single i should say unless you can't stop your desire to have an other half
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Yeah. My emotional attractions are almost always more powerful than my sexual attractions so unlike sexual libido my feelings aren't really going to just turn off. I've never even been on a date. Not with a guy or a girl, I didn't even go to the prom with a friend.