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what do you think
SolemnBoy Wrote:dfiant, how about marrying me? I'll pay for the wedding expenses.

Also, please don't use the "if you support incest you must have some things to hide" argument. I think we're all above that.

Sure Wink but how are you going to adapt to the Aussie heat Smile

I find it disturbing and wrong, but people say the same about transsexuals

unkown21 Wrote:I find it disturbing and wrong, but people say the same about transsexuals

You don't like it because you couldn't imagine yourself being in that position, but because you don't like it doesn't make it wrong.

I don't like gay guys that flame, doesn't make it wrong.

I couldn't imagine myself being transexual...***i mean wearing girls clothes is disgusting.

You people need to lighten up. What 2 adults do with each other in the privacy of their own home is none of your freaking business. Love is love and you do not have the right to judge anyone based on what you think.

If you don't agree with incest, then don't have a relationship with your brother...it is that simple.

If you don't like whats on TV...change the channel.

***Just making a point.

Cuddles Wrote:dfiant.
You are a disgusting human being.

Any normal, sane person would see incest as disgusting and wrong.

I've stayed out of this conversation so far, but I call troll now.


Cuddles, if you're being for realzies then not only are you wrong, you are also way out of line. For shame (you are not, however, a disgusting human being. Just a rude one whose lack of compassion and understanding (AS A GAY MAN!!!) for a situation in which no one is harmed is jaw dropping and should be hilarious if it were not so sad).

You have no argument other than "Ew... yucky." A common rhetorical device among homophobes and other small minded people. Join the light side sir, it is never too late.


To clarify, I am speaking of situations in which the people in question are of legal age and potential reproduction is not a factor.

Incest: It's not for me, but if no one's being harmed then I really don't give a shit.

pellaz Wrote:we could discuss cell phones and know cell phones is NOT a gay topic.

There is still an overlap in that it is form of sexual practice which is stigmatized, both legally and socially. I think there is much in common between the stigmatization of consenting incestuous relationships and those of gays and lesbians.

Martha Nussbaum puts the relationship between these attitudes into a useful context to think about the way gay issues are intimately connected with issues of racial, religious, and many other forms of discrimination.

Quote:Disgust, I argue (drawing on recent psychological research), is different. Its cognitive content involves a shrinking from contamination that is associated with a human desire to be non-animal. That desire, of course, is irrational in the sense that we know we will never succeed in fulfilling it; it is also irrational in another and even more pernicious sense. As psychological research shows, people tend to project disgust properties onto groups of people in their own society, who come to figure as surrogates for people's anxieties about their own animality. By branding members of these groups as disgusting, foul, smelly, slimy, the dominant group is able to distance itself even further from its own animality. Such irrational projections have been involved in antisemitism through the ages, and in misogyny in more or less every society. They are also involved in more localized forms of discrimination, such as the traditional Hindu caste hierarchy, or American discrimination against homosexuals.

Unlike anger, disgust does not provide the disgusted person with a set of reasons that can be used for the purposes of public argument and public persuasion. If my child has been murdered and I am angry at that, I can persuade you that you should share those reasons; if you do, you will come to share my outrage. But if someone happens to feel that gay men are disgusting, that person cannot offer any reasoning that will persuade someone to share that emotion; there is nothing that would make the dialogue a real piece of persuasion.

The prominent defenders of the appeal to disgust and shame in law have all been communitarians of one or another stripe, and this, I claim, is no accident. What their thought shares is the idea that society ought to have at its core a homogeneous group of people whose ways of living, of having sex, of looking and being, are defined as "normal." People who deviate from that norm may then be stigmatized, and penalized by law, even if their conduct causes no harm. That was the core of Lord Devlin's idea, and it is endorsed straightforwardly by Etzioni, and, in a rather different way, and in a narrower set of contexts, by Kass. My study of disgust and shame shows that these emotions threaten key values of a liberal society, especially equal respect for people and for their liberty. Disgust and shame are inherently hierarchical; they set up ranks and orders of human beings. They are also inherently connected with restrictions on liberty in areas of non-harmful conduct. For both of these reasons, I believe, anyone who cherishes the key democratic values of equality and liberty should be deeply suspicious of the appeal to those emotions in the context of law and public policy.

Cuddles Wrote:Pix. Just no.

Ironically, saying your subjective feelings mandate reality that all others should live by empowers the homophobes who use the same exact "reasoning" as you do, and without reason then it all becomes arbitrary dependent on whatever one feels and that's the actual moral relativism when it becomes acceptable to say, "Because I said so, all others are wrong." There are a lot more homophobes using your line than you do, so as long as you hold up your subjective and emotional views as valid and compelling then we're all, me and you, also equated with incest, bestiality, and pedophilia. Don't like it? Then raise the standards (that is, reason rather than feelings and arbitrary prejudices), don't embrace them and try to twist them to your own ends because you're not strong enough to do that.




That pretty much sums it up for me.

Cuddles Wrote:Thank goodness I was raised with morals and standards, and taught right from wrong.

Horrible people.

Your Prophet would be proud of you Wink

dfiant Wrote:You don't like it because you couldn't imagine yourself being in that position, but because you don't like it doesn't make it wrong.

I don't like gay guys that flame, doesn't make it wrong.

I couldn't imagine myself being transexual...***i mean wearing girls clothes is disgusting.

You people need to lighten up. What 2 adults do with each other in the privacy of their own home is none of your freaking business. Love is love and you do not have the right to judge anyone based on what you think.

If you don't agree with incest, then don't have a relationship with your brother...it is that simple.

If you don't like whats on TV...change the channel.

***Just making a point.

I completely agree with you, different strokes for different folks. But the person who posted this was asking an opinion, i gave mine. And you clearly gave your opinion above. But dont get upset with me an my opinion becaude it doesnt line with yours. Im not trying to sound rude, im just stating that i dont like the idea of incest. Im not saying people shouldnt do what they want, but simply i dont agree with it. And im sorry you dont like flamers and transsexuals but i respect your opinion and am not upset about it. Its good to have conflicting opinions and thoughts, if we all agreed on everything, the world would be too perfect.


Incest: Not for me but goodluck with that

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