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Census taking
I am really sick of the stupid people who are protesting against the census.

Literal quote (read it in a stupid voice) "This time I'm going for a more civil disobedience approach by deliberately filling in wrong answers"

First of all: That's worse than not filling in the census, you're affecting things and lying to the government, forcing some people to suffer, eg: schools getting improper funding etc.

If you're gonna protest, waste your own money by not filling it in and paying the fine rather than screwing other honest people over to save your own arse.

Second of all: What the hell is wrong with you. There's actually a person complaining about a question asking "have you ever been a smoker". JUST FILL IN YES/NO. IT TAKES LITERALLY A QUARTER OF A SECOND. Nobody cares about your history. If you're too prissy and in denial to fill in an essentially anonymous form, maybe you should get professional help.

What the hell, how do you expect a country to work if everybody is anonymous and the government knows nothing about us?

Stop complaining and just take 5 minutes of your life, not that any of you people have one, and fill in a simple two page questionnaire. If you start complaining that you should be provided with the writing instrument, I will actually stick needles in your eye. There, write with your eye blood.

Census taking been going for a few thousand years

God, you are fantastic!!!

Thing is that idiots dont trust government to the point that they think that the government is spying on their idiot lives. LIke the government has time to spend on idiot peoples lives Flamingdevil as if I said "I love smoking pot everyday" and expect some government official to actually read this post... um can you imagine how many zillion of post are being made all over the world every second but there are actual people who believe that their every word is being followed by some secret government computer!

Ummmmm, they couldnt follow terrorist who were texting each other then changing phones... There is just too much data out there.

Like the gun argument over here in the USA. These gun nuts actually believe that the government is going to go house to house looking under every rock and take every registered gun that has become a newly banned gun Party We dont have enough cops on the street to enforce drivers who go thru stop signs but look under every rock for every gun Clap Idiot is too nice a word Flamingdevil

And you are right. These stupid people ruin things for a lot of other people Poke2

I was amazed at the easy going attitude of the 2010 census worker was. My partner talked to her but I'd interject with things like when asked about my race I yelled out (as I was in the kitchen), "I'm a Sasquatch, and proud of it. Don't be excluding my people from the census!"

She seemed happy to fill in her own answers when she got answers like that (I think she could see I was a white blonde anyway), but after I later read about hundreds of census takers literally attacked across the country (such workers aren't even government, btw, they're temporary workers getting minimum wage, IIRC) maybe she was scared if she challenged me I'd come out with a butcher knife to avenge my Sasquatch honor? :frown:

Pix, I think I'd be afraid of you wielding a butcher knife! Smile


This stupid woman thinks the answer to all her problems is 'BURN IT. LOL'
If you don't trust the government why don't you move? I'm sure other governments in the world are much more trustworthy. If you're so big on personal privacy why don't you go and establish your own country, where only you live, and it'll be called Stupidland, where you speak Stoopid, and your address will be Stupidhouse, Stupid rd., Stupid village, Stupid region, Republic of Stupidland. YOur currency will be Stupidmoney and you'll trade with only Taiwan and they don't even like you, you think you're friends but Taiwan told Korea that she thinks you're annoying and wishes you wouldn't talk to her so much.

Don't trust the government.

Ronald Reagen said

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, '[I]I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'[/I]

His comment was dealing with how easy it is for a nation, ANY nation to go from free democracy to a Big Brother fascist one.

I have no idea what NZ's government is like, but here in the USA there is a long history of infringing on rights and even down right purposefully poisoning whole populations and testing on populations. http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/When-...864377.php

How much you want to bet that the previous Census was used when the Japanese were rounded up and put in American Concentration Camps. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_Am...internment

Just look at modern history and at how many 'free' nations have done wrong by their citizens. This century alone the USA has seen an incredible loss of freedoms and restrictions and the damn population not only went with it but applauded the signing of the Patriot Acts 1 and II - and the politicians, the very congress that is in place to prevent loss of freedoms didn't even bother to read the Patriot Act before it was signed into law.

Yeah sure the Census can do a lot to make things better for Government to do right by its citizens, but it can also turn around and use that same data to do untold havoc.

The smoking question may be turned around and used against you later down the road when you sign up for pension and medical. Unless NZ has national health care, then it might be used at any time against a person. Who knows what a politician is going to do next?

When you start digging into what politicians and governments are willing to do with and to their citizens for shits and giggles you suddenly become a little more paranoid and distrusting.

Sure, maybe burning the census is a little out there... but then again maybe its not.

I have no idea how NZ's Government operates, its history, and its laws. However if some of your citizens are this worried that these 'innocent questions' can be used against them, perhaps its time you stop trusting your government and start researching it and see what its history is like, who is really in power and where they have been taking your nation in the past couple decades.

As a genealogist and keen familiy historian, national census taking is very important.

Lilitu Wrote:http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/articl...d=10867687

This stupid woman thinks the answer to all her problems is 'BURN IT. LOL'
If you don't trust the government why don't you move? I'm sure other governments in the world are much more trustworthy. If you're so big on personal privacy why don't you go and establish your own country, where only you live, and it'll be called Stupidland, where you speak Stoopid, and your address will be Stupidhouse, Stupid rd., Stupid village, Stupid region, Republic of Stupidland. YOur currency will be Stupidmoney and you'll trade with only Taiwan and they don't even like you, you think you're friends but Taiwan told Korea that she thinks you're annoying and wishes you wouldn't talk to her so much.

The Census doesn't really bother me. OTOH, the idea of civil disobedience of destroying their census forms doesn't bother me either, and I agree with them that it's ridiculous that it's treated as worse than drunk driving and burglary which actually hurt people directly and immediately.

Perhaps if you can explain just how protesting the census hurts society then I'd be more sympathetic to your passion.

For example, you said earlier that it hurts schools. How? Since schools have all kids enrolled listed in an easily accessible government d-base then I don't see how the census could affect school funding. The only thing that comes to mind is that your schools are racially segregated in your community so that a "fair redistribution of education resources is allocated to reflect racial statistics" in which case you have MUCH BIGGER problems than the census, and even then I don't see why the government couldn't get around the problem by just having the kids enrolled registered under whatever their subjective race is anyway right along with their names and gender.

You GET 'EM gurlfriend!!!
[Image: AngryBlackWoman.jpg]

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