One day, after staying late in Jr. High School, I was abducted.
Actually, my memory was wiped clean and I lost about three hours of my life.
That day was, time wise, many decades ago, but so clear in my mind still... I saw some odd bright light coming very close and then some hours later I was suddenly walking half a block from where I started.
No memory, no physical feelings, nothing from those lost hours.
You can think of it what you want but I am positive it was an abduction by aliens
fjp999 Wrote:One day, after staying late in Jr. High School, I was abducted.
Actually, my memory was wiped clean and I lost about three hours of my life.
That day was, time wise, many decades ago, but so clear in my mind still... I saw some odd bright light coming very close and then some hours later I was suddenly walking half a block from where I started.
No memory, no physical feelings, nothing from those lost hours.
You can think of it what you want but I am positive it was an abduction by aliens 
Could also have been that 5th of Tequila you had for lunch!!!
Sorry, just had to poke a bit of fun there.....
I absolutely LOVE scifi.....but I have to say I dont beleive in them.
I have seen plenty of WEIRD stuff growing up, but its never been anything that hasnt been explained at one point in my life.
Sometimes people see things they "want" to see, sometimes its an optical illusion and they dont know it, sometimes its just a reflection off of something. Sometimes its monumental pranksters, sometimes its the government pulling one over on people.
I remember for many, many years one "real" and "actual" photo of an upclose "UFO" was finally found out to be a picture of a trashcan lid someone threw into the air and shot photos of. But for all those years, people beleived it was a real UFO.
Until I see hard, physical proof, then its all fantasy and hallucenations.
This includes Bigfoot, "Nessie", ghosts, and other such things.
I have yet to see or hear anything that could not be explained with logical answers.
MisterTinkles Wrote:Could also have been that 5th of Tequila you had for lunch!!!
Sorry, just had to poke a bit of fun there.....
No problem... actually I was the "good guy" until my Junior year at Uni when I tried EVERYTHING (actually I dont think I tried Tequila for many years later, wasnt my thing). I was pretty pure until Junior year at Uni... even coffee had not passed my lips but then : pot, coke, poppers, sex, hard alcohol, coffee (that was kind of the hardest to get down, lol), lsd (my fav), etc...
Not at Jr. High times... I have gone thru every scenario and cant come up with any other answer... so go ahead and try
no , but i do know a girl who is probably an alien
seriously . other people have questioned her alienness , too
Christmas Eve, 2012.
10 or so red flying lights I'd say above UConn Med. Center. It could have been Santa and his reindeer  It was super freaky.... Was it UFO's? probably, I don't see any other explanation. They kinda hovered away after a little bit...
ChrisD Wrote:Christmas Eve, 2012.
10 or so red flying lights I'd say above UConn Med. Center. It could have been Santa and his reindeer It was super freaky.... Was it UFO's? probably, I don't see any other explanation. They kinda hovered away after a little bit...
Med Center?
Hmmm......ambulance center....
ambulance center.......
Hmmm........nope....must have been Santa.
About an hour ago I saw the same lights I saw before. This time I wasn't tired at all, so that's not an explanation for what I saw; even if I was tired, I don't think that's enough to explain what I saw this time around. First I saw the bright one, then the usual dimmer one joined it (from my point of view) above and to the left. They were still for a minute or two, then the dim one began slowly rotating counterclockwise around the big one. It took maybe ten minutes for the dim one to rotate to the above right of the big one, and it was twice the distance from it. While it was rotating, a third light appeared and began to form various triangle formations with them before flying off to the right and disappearing. Eventually the dim light flew off and faded out; the big one started getting bigger and brighter until it was maybe a fourth the size of a full moon (this took maybe five minutes). I couldn't tell if it was just streaks of light but at different times it looked like it had a dim ring or halo around it, but it also seemed like it could have been triangular; I couldn't tell because the light obscured it. It then suddenly dimmed until it was barely visible, then several lights - red, blue, white - started blinking around it, as if they were lining the silhouette of an object. It started moving to the right and I saw the lights from before come back from wherever they had been, also blinking. Eventually the big one went off into the distance and simply became a tiny dot that would blink white then red, while the other lights continued to do what they were doing for a few minutes. After being obscured by trees for a while, they were gone. I'm really not sure what to think - they didn't behave like any aircraft I've seen or am familiar with.
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fjp999 Wrote:...
Not at Jr. High times... I have gone thru every scenario and cant come up with any other answer... so go ahead and try  
Well, it's possible that it was a seizure, or a false memory/amnesia to block out a much more realistic traumatic event.
fjp999 Wrote:One day, after staying late in Jr. High School, I was abducted.
Actually, my memory was wiped clean and I lost about three hours of my life.
That day was, time wise, many decades ago, but so clear in my mind still... I saw some odd bright light coming very close and then some hours later I was suddenly walking half a block from where I started.
No memory, no physical feelings, nothing from those lost hours.
You can think of it what you want but I am positive it was an abduction by aliens 
A friend told me of a boyfriend she had who insisted he was regularly abducted by Grey aliens, which she thought was weird but shrugged it off (she was a practicing witch so she didn't feel in a position to give him a hard time over it). And then she and several others got a close up view of a UFO, mostly a bunch of lights in the night sky but definitely not human. She figured her Grey-obsessed boyfriend would want to see this and ran to get him but found their bed empty so she went back out to marvel with the rest. After the UFOs left she went back inside and saw him sleeping in bed and woke him up asking where he'd been and he said he'd been sleeping the entire time. (Cue X-Files music).
I'd want to see UFOs but the idea of being abducted really bothers me. The thought of my memory being violated like that definitely ticks me off, too.