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Perception of Gay as Sex Freak
Most of the people (straight) perceive Gay as a sex freak, or if they heard this word, the next thing what hits their mind is SEX. Well if somebody says he is straight, that means he likes girls, doesn't mean he is dying to fuck all girls on the planet. Why this stereotype perception for homosexuals? Gay is a normal person, he eats, studies, works, hang out same like a straight, what makes him gay is sexual preference. and sex is matter of sometime.. rest he is same like straight. Would like to read views of others.

Because Gays are males (Lesbians are rarely connected to the word gay used in stereotypes).

Males tend to have high libidos and tend to be able to do 'casual sex encounters' without it leading to a relationship more often than women.

Straight men are hampered by the 'purity' of womanhood. A guy brags about having 100 sexual encounters with women he is called a 'stud' a woman has 10 encounters and she is a 'slut'. As such women put the brakes on when it comes to sex far much more than guys, thus straight men find it much harder to have lots of meaningless sex.

Gay guys, not having to cater to the needs of a woman who is forced by society to be a 'good girl' are not as limited as such promiscuity does take place a lot more for the average gay than the average straight.

The Media has played a huge role in defining what gay is all about. Note when the local news takes shots of the local Gay Parade, they never focus on the long line of 'normal looking' guys and gals and Pflag Float, instead they focus on the wildest float with either the drag queens or the 'bois' dressed in thongs and a huge smile dancing and flopping their junk.

Also, obviously gay (effeminate) get more air time, their femmy voice carries the rest of us via the media. The straight acting, 'man sounding' gay gets little air time.

We as a subculture of society are all forced into this restrictive stereotype of who and what we are and what we do, when the truth is far much more complex and full of a great deal of diversity.

We can forget ever seeing a TV show of two 'straight acting' gay guys living a 'normal' life - because 'normal' is boring. We will see more 'effeminate' and 'wild partying' type gays being depicted because their lives are far more interesting.

The media and society paints this role based on limited knowledge and perceived differences between 'straight' and 'gay'. Its a self feeding vicious circle. I recall when I was young how bright eyes young gay guys entered the scene with visions of finding that one true special love, then being hit with the glaring realtiy and having some jaded older queen sit there sipping her martini telling him 'Honey, don't be foolish, men can't love other men'.

The stereotype, the myth that love isn't possible between two men was being believed and promoted and passed off as some well known truth because we gays were told this and given less hope.

I understand that that is slowly changing. Today there are more older gay couples who stand as shining examples that yes its possible for two men to actually love and have a committed monogamous relationship. As gay marriage catches on, I hope we see more married couples who stand there as an example that there is a greater diversity in the LGBT community and that we don't need to rely on promiscuity in order to be 'gay'.

Its hard to beat down the myths. The blacks have the same problem, they are still being held down by many myth-conceptions about what it is to be black, and that is sort of self feeding as well as blacks are still given less opportunities because the myth that blacks are lazy, or that blacks are somehow less intelligent.

And they have had more rights for a bit longer, but still society plays this game.

Stereotypes always hinder, they never raise a people up or break out society treats a group.

valid to say its a perception but the truth is the straights are far more promiscuous. My god its on every bill board, the media is saturated with the images straight sex sells well. Any straight with that view ask them; do you have any gay friends, people who both are gay and you know them well enough.

consider okcupid.com 's research on the matter

It's 'cause people think gay men have the sex drive of two men.

Could we just short this down to "people are prone to assumptions"?

i have definitely heard / seen straight men stereotyped as wanting to have sex with every woman in the world

*pauses lubing oversized piece of silicone to read thread*


Interesting enough, a preacher who went out of his way to harass my partner and our family together gave a sermon in his church that one had to choose between "love and lust" more than once, which I thought odd, and then thought (it took me days to think of this) that maybe he was a repressed gay guy himself, which would also explain why his wife looked so miserable to me (and I made that observation before I realized what a homophobic jerk that preacher was).

But other than that I can think of only 2 things: the Bible, which many mistake for reality, and as an excuse not to take us seriously (and thus continue treating us as 2nd class citizens). It's hard for me to tell because people tend to use both at the same time.

The Bible essentially equates us with adulterers, liars, fornicators, and therefore, QED, it's true. In short it's superstition, commonly described (including by bumper sticker) as God (Bible) says it, they believe it, that settles it.

The other is like we want to be able to marry so we can have orgies and it be seen as normal. Of course they don't reply whenever I ask something like how his (almost always a guy who says this) being married made it easier for him to go to orgies. But see, they know it's asinine to deny us equality so they turn it into trying to save the nation from becoming one giant gay pride parade (the worst shown by the media). Interesting enough they'll get even crazier, like one internet guy is always complaining that he's FORCED to CELEBRATE gays (in KY!), not just tolerate it, but can never define how he's being forced (not even when I asked him the last time the Jack Booted Thugs forced him to march in a gay pride parade). They can't think of a rational reason to oppose equality so they invent utterly absurd reasons that they don't even dare try to explain (another "favorite" of mine by an internet guy was "If women can marry women then women will start marrying horses" and then accused others of "hysteria" when they pointed out an animal can't marry at all). In short, it's pure dishonesty, though I think they believe their own BS (ETA: I've read articles about neurochemistry that would explain why they believe such absurdities).

I could say a lot more but that would be just my reflections on society & sexuality and the perception of it (and the grains of truth in the BS that make the flowers grow) but that would be too long and part of what I'd say has already been said by BA, so I'll end with my short & sweet answer above.

Great question.....now, i've read the other posts, and this popped in my head.

Str8 guys who screw alot of girls aren't villified for being promiscious - in fact, most guys get congratulated on beign able to bed many women - part of it is tied to a male's genetic pre-disposition to spread their seed.

The real rub comes with the fact that a gay male being promiscious is considered bad and dirty is as much about stereotypes - but also jealousy and fear.

Str8 folks are VERY jealous of the fact that gay folks - for the most part - are much more comfortable talking about sex openly. Ask most str8 women who have gay male friends and they will almost always validate the fact that they love that they can talk about sex much more openly with their gay friend than str8 male freiends. Clearly, much of that is driven by the fact that there's no sexual tension between a gay man and a str8 female. But also, because gay folks have less hangups about sex and intimacy.

Now you may ask, why did i put FEAR in my expliaination of why folks think gay's are sex freaks. The fear stems from the fact that when str8 men think about gay men having gay intercourse, they know ONE of the guys is going to take the role of the reciever - in the hetero world that role is the woman. So, gay sex challenges the perceived role of the MALE as the dominant one. So, they get really uncomfortable thinking that a MAN would play the "Female" role. Now we know that's not a dynamic that plays out among most gay males - but it scares the CRAP out of many hetero males.

BobInTampa Wrote:Str8 folks are VERY jealous of the fact that gay folks - for the most part - are much more comfortable talking about sex openly. Ask most str8 women who have gay male friends and they will almost always validate the fact that they love that they can talk about sex much more openly with their gay friend than str8 male freiends. Clearly, much of that is driven by the fact that there's no sexual tension between a gay man and a str8 female. But also, because gay folks have less hangups about sex and intimacy.

i'm assuming that you're talking about gay men who can talk about vaginas without turning into six year olds and going "ewwwwwwww !!!" ?

and i know lots and lots and lots of straight people who can talk openly about sex and sexuality ... and who aren't jealous of gay people in that respect at all ...

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