I just joined,and I want to introduce myself.I am a 57yo married closetted gay man,who has had 2 or3 gay encounters,which I thoroughly enjoyed.Being very shy,I sexually "chicken out" when offered to meet men for sexual encounters. I am totally a bottum in regards to sex.I know there are many men in the same situation that I am in,why can't men take it easy and become friends first,then ever so slowly get into sex together...I don't know.
welcome to gayspeak
i also came out later in life. No regrets, just how it happens. Ultimately divorced my wife and live with my partner. I hope you find your path with out much struggle.
Get your self tested every 3-6mo. Its functional to ask your partner when was the last time he was tested and never sex w/o condom. Your wife is at risk too.
Welcome to the forums.
We men are wired for the quick turn-on. That's a broad generalization, of course. I usually like flirting and foreplay myself.
I was also married with an unexplored bi side. After my divorce I chose to explore with guys and see what I had been missing. At first it was just anonymous hookups. Those were exciting but not very satisfying. Now I have been developing a relationship for 4 months. We had a few dates without sex, but quickly got into it pretty intensely. Then I had to put on the brakes and get clear about what I wanted. Now he and I are deepening our friendship... with benefits.