02-18-2013, 12:32 AM
Goodness you have me in tears.
First let me say welcome .
I am so very sorry this is happening to you.
I am afraid you Ex is being brain washed ,no doubt he is not thinking straight.
It's strange how many of these religious so called Christians confuse church doctrine,with Gods words.
Matthew 12:31 - All sins will be forgiven , except blasphemy against the holy spirit. Jesus died for this. And everyone that adds to the commandments or puts church doctrine above Gods word is a blasphemer.
Matthew 7:1 -Judge ye not for you will be judged.
Matthew 25:40 -What ye do to this the least of my brethren you do unto me.
John 13:34 -A new command I give unto you , Love each other how I have loved each of you.
Homosexuality Is not a sin ,if it were it would be in the commandments.
All they go by is what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah is recorded in Genesis chapters 18-19.
Which by the way was a proposed rape scene ,they were going to rape the angels, as we all know rape has nothing to do with sexual pleasure rather it is used as a weapon of power and control.
I honestly do not know if your Ex can see reason again , either way you have to start heeling and loving yourself more than you love him.
I am so very sorry, we are all here for you.
First let me say welcome .
I am so very sorry this is happening to you.

I am afraid you Ex is being brain washed ,no doubt he is not thinking straight.
It's strange how many of these religious so called Christians confuse church doctrine,with Gods words.
Matthew 12:31 - All sins will be forgiven , except blasphemy against the holy spirit. Jesus died for this. And everyone that adds to the commandments or puts church doctrine above Gods word is a blasphemer.
Matthew 7:1 -Judge ye not for you will be judged.
Matthew 25:40 -What ye do to this the least of my brethren you do unto me.
John 13:34 -A new command I give unto you , Love each other how I have loved each of you.
Homosexuality Is not a sin ,if it were it would be in the commandments.
All they go by is what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah is recorded in Genesis chapters 18-19.
Which by the way was a proposed rape scene ,they were going to rape the angels, as we all know rape has nothing to do with sexual pleasure rather it is used as a weapon of power and control.
I honestly do not know if your Ex can see reason again , either way you have to start heeling and loving yourself more than you love him.
I am so very sorry, we are all here for you.