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The Truth about Tom and John
The statements below are not condoned by GaySpeak or its readers. I am old and want to vent. Hope you are in a fun mood.

Most people who listen to me about Tom think I am pulling their leg. No one could have as much fun as you and Tom had. Bullshit. The stories are true.

Tom and I never talked about our real life. Tom was the poster boy for child abuse in his home town in Iowa. I was the poster boy for child abuse in the City of New York. Every cop who went through the Police Academy saw photos of me beaten to a pulp by my "beautiful" sisters. They had fun burning me with hot steam irons. They whipped me over every square inch of skin under my shirt and pants. Every cop would cringe looking at me and ask "Aren't you the boy I saw at the Academy. I would say YES. My sisters beat me to the point that I could not even crawl away from them.

Of course, there was an investigation by the police. I also had 2 broken ribs to match some scars. The result was conclusive. If 2 girls 5 and 8 years older than their little brother beat him, they must have had a good reason. All girls are the victims of boys. So at age of 4 months, I terrified my sisters into trying to rip my penis off.

When I met Tom he was close to death from high blood pressure. No one had ever rescued Tom from the beatings his father gave him. His father told all the men in town that his son was cocksucking faggot and people should beat him without mercy. They had fun beating him with pipes.

My sisters said I was a faggot baby and was too meek and mild. I never fought back when they slammed my head into walls or the floor. Tom was also too small to fight his father and a large gang of boys.

Guess what. No one was ever charged with anything. My sisters have pretended to be victims of men there whole life. You bet. Everyone believes women who lie because they all claim to be victims.

The most sickening sociopaths I ever met are women. They do not hesitate to go on TV and accuse men of raping them. If you get accused by a woman, your career is over. Now try to raise your voice and you a branded as a rapist or some type of anti-feminist.

After 66 years of listening to women who lie, I am now a misogynist first class. I can't stand the sight of them. I wish men could breed without going near sociopathic women who control the media in America.

We just got a new violence against women law enacted. How come no one ever got arrested for trying to murder me as a child.

When I met Tom, reality was dominated by fucking sociopaths who lie about everything. Governments are bad and religions are worse. We invented our own religion and reality and said the world can go fuck itself.

As unreal as my life with Tom was, it was our one chance to get even with everyone who embraced victimness. Fuck you, we had a good time. If you came near us, you were risking your life. You pissed us off we went after you until you said I GIVE.

It wasn't always pretty and we hurt some people. We never hurt anyone as bad as we were. We simply ignored your rules and invented our own.

I still see Tom's ghost. I may be insane. I sure don't want a cure for my insanity. I hope heaven is filled to the brim with gay guys. I never met a gay guy I didn't like. I hope I stay that way. I enjoy being a gay chauvinist with misogynistic over tones. Keeps my sense of humor intact. Women come on TV and want a Constitutional Amendment Against Masturbation. They are terrified we might enjoy ourselves. Fuck you, ladies, I would rather jerk off than suck up to a woman.

The world is utterly screwed because men who create or earn a living have been replaced by women who champion UNEARNED INCOME. They consume what men make and never pay for a goddamn thing. The best racket on the planet is to say you are a woman. Whine and hire Gloria Allred and get a big settlement

Every time I see the ghost of Tom, he tells me to avoid violence. Tom was the one guy who knew how close I was to killing women. At 66, I still have never struck one of the miserable bitches which proves I am definitely a saint. I sure hope heaven allows segregation between men and women.

Now you know why I don't speak the truth. Tom and I thought all women were completely stupid and should not be hired or allowed to vote. Eventually, we decided to say Fuck It and we kept our mouths closed. We smiled atwomen and thought of them as village idiots.


that bad your sister hurt you. my sister is very brillint i am lucky. your wrong about it woman isint bad them are nice.your being not fair gilioly.

Joseph has a point: I have my moments of misogyny, due to my lack of attraction, but there are good women in the world. A couple of them saved my life a year ago.

First: Terribly sorry you went through this. I have lived through abuse myself, and am honestly just getting over it, although I wonder if that will completely happen.

However, all through my life, I have had friends and best friends of both genders. To be honest, the person that taught be to stand up for myself was a woman. The person that made me feel that there was hope was a woman. And my best friend since the age of 3 was also a woman. True, men have been there all the same --- the father of a friend offered me an exit when I was being abused, which I never did take. But all the same, I simply cannot see the same things that you do.

Anyway, it sounds like to actually hate women. I can understand why, you explained why in your post. But quite honestly, if you hate an entire sex because there are members of that sex that hate(d) you, then what have you honestly learned?


i was abused and raped by many , many men as a child . do i think that all men are evil ? no. because i'm not a fucking idiot and know that i shouldn't base my views of an entire group of people just on my own childhood experiences.

i'm sorry that you went through that , but no . i am not a bad person just because i happen to have two X chromosomes .

I just remembered a guy I used to correspond with on the net, a BRILLIANT fanfic author, IMO, and most of his posts reflected a deep, analytical mind (not to say I agreed with him, but at least he demonstrated clear, coherent thought so I could at least see why he'd think so). However, there was ONE thing he was totally irrational about, IMO:

He hated gays.

I asked him once why and he said a gay man, one gay man, molested him as a boy. It was a traumatic experience for him as he went on to describe the various executions he wanted to see every gay person endure.

I told him there was a fringe group of feminists (such as Mary Daly and Valerie Solanas, one who asserted the male babies should be castrated at birth and another who advocated genocide against all males) who had endured rape and/or traumatic child sexual abuse as he did. Of course he could understand why they wanted him castrated at birth or gassed to death because his pain was their pain, and they were reacting exactly as he did for pretty much the same reason, by condemning the innocent with the guilty (and not even as a "let God figure them out" or "the only way to be sure" way but "they're all the same" way). But the question I had for him was did he only mean gay men, as those fringe feminists meant men like him, or did he mean all gays, such as myself, did he fantasize about seeing me drawn & quartered as well?

I think he liked me, he certainly praised my fanfics, and he seemed to find debating me at times when we disagreed to be as mentally stimulating as I did. But he never did even attempt to answer that question. I like to think he realized just how unreasonable he was on this one thing, at least at some level. In any case we continued to correspond awhile longer until personality conflicts with others and/or tiring of the fandom we were a part of made him fade away.

Well as much as I sympathize for you because of the horrible abuse, misogyny is just as bad as racism or homophobia. Women receive "unearned" income and consume what men create without ever paying for anything? Really? You might want to edit your post or remove it completely before more people get offended. I'm a man and it offended me so I can only assume it would be worse for a woman.

Having been a victim of severe abuse as a child, I get where you are coming from John. No seriously I really get that whole hatred of a group of people from what one or a few out of that group has done. It is one of the things I had to work on and get myself through.

But honestly John, not every woman in the world did those things to you. Not every woman in the world is an evil bitch. Sociopath or out to screw men over (many want to screw men, its a strange 'straight behavior' I personally don't understand). Wink

I think it may be good for you to start working through these issues and get a general forgiveness for womanhood - no not all women, there are a few out there who rightly deserve hatred in return for their behaviors.

I hope this thread you started is a turning point for you, a place that marks the beginning of some real healing when it comes to women.

66 years is a long time to carry a burden of anger and hatred. Its OK to let some of that go now John.

And it ok to to forgive your sisters too. We don't forgive to let the ones who wronged us off the hook, we forgive so we can move on, live on and be stronger.


Gilhooly you need a blog or something, its not the first time you've put up a random story from your life. I sit there like a dog tilting its head each time I read something new.

As for the whole women thing, you can't demonize women because of what the women of your life did to you in the past. Their actions reflect on who they are themselves and not women as a whole, just like a person of certain ethnicities do not speak for people of their racial background with how they project themselves. If I chose to demonise whole groups of people for how I've been wronged by individuals I would be sexist, racist, ageist, homophobic and many more things.


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