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"you don't look gay to me"
I've heard this all my life! :frown:

OrphanPip Wrote:I was once at a gay student group thing and some random guy said to me, "it's nice to see open minded straight guys here." I was amused, but also a little bit mortified.

That made me laugh out loud for whatever reason. Thank you for that. lol.

The teacher at my school who runs the anti-bullying group asked me to be the "straight male speaker" in a presentation, and I imagined pretending to be straight in front of the whole school, and I just very bluntly and quickly said, "NO.". Her save was instantaneous and I was placed into another speaking role instead.

It was one of the things that made me realise that I don't look gay to some people. I was disappointed, actually.

My mother said I don't dress well enough to be gay when I came out to her.

Aeneas Wrote:you are only analysing this from your prespective.

most straight men don't have gay friends, nor do they attend gay clubs, gay meetings, gay gatherings....

all they see is TV shows which portray gays as feminine beings with flamboyant haircuts and what not, or gay parades and we all know how THEY look on TV.

yet they might cross tens or hundreds of gays in the street a day and never realised they just did.

YOU know that there are all sorts of gays out there, but because many "straight-looking" gays who like football are not *out* to everyone, you cant blame the mainstream people for not knowing they exist - or they know they exist but are surprised when they meet one.

and gays are also to blame. how many gay people have in fact straight male friends? not everyone. usually gay people hang out together or with female friends, which only contributes to this notion.


I work in a very 'butch' environment. A junkyard full of ignorant straight men.....who also happen to be my close friends lol Im not at all offended by them telling me I don't look gay, hell I wouldn't be offended if they told me I DID look gay. Only took them about two months to realize that I was. Especially after a cute girl would walk in. Every time......

Coworker: Would you?
Me: No...
Coworker: Oh, then how many?
Me: How many what?
Coworker: How many beers would it take for you to smash on that?
Me: Uh....none...
Coworker: Oh so just like that?:
Me: No.
Coworker: *blank look on face*


I get that shit all the time...

I can't say it flatters me, and I can't say it offends me neither.

It just shows one's ignorance, and opens up a window of opportunity to enlighten the silly breeder of his/her misconceptions on what being gay really means.

Although, it does get annoying trying to convince thirsty fish that I am gay, that it's not just an excuse to evade their advances, and that I can't be turned out just because they think they're so fucking hot!... ugh...

Aeneas Wrote:and gays are also to blame. how many gay people have in fact straight male friends? not everyone. usually gay people hang out together or with female friends, which only contributes to this notion.

I guess I'm a needle in a haystack, based on your analysis of that. Practically all of my friends are straight men. I have but a few gay guy friends, but I would say only one that's real close.

I don't care to hang out with gay people... they just urk me the wrong way. Not all, but most. I don't know why, it's just fact. It have nothing to do with inner homophobia, so don't go there. I just can't relate to them.

When people think I'm straight I normally just shrug it off bemused or even a little disturbed. Even when I'm told I'm too good looking to be a lesbian I feel more exasperated than flattered.

However, I HAVE felt offended when I'm told my being gay is "such a waste" as if only men matter (it doesn't help that such reminds me of people who told me I'm obligated to have children, be it for America, Christianity, Asatru, and/or white people, and I'm probably forgetting others, and like how one found an attempted sexual assault against me went from "that's too bad" to enraged when he found out the attacker was black, which implied he thought white men, at least one of them, was entitled to my body).

kennyw429 Wrote:a few months ago when i watched the clip "it could happen to you" for the first time, i was moved. i asked my straight male colleague to watch it, i told him it's inspiring. what i wanted him to see was the message of fighting for your rights, not really the gay story. i could see his facial expression changed, i thought he must have been offended, and guess what he said to me..

"are you gay? well.. i don't mind to have gay friends, just don't harrass me."

i was offended indeed hearing that. how ignorant. I am surrounded by homophobic friends and family in my life, sadly...

That reminds me of a place I used to work. It was a production line plant in a big warehouse setting.

Apparently some douchebag decided to go around telling everybody I was gay...even though I had never met this person. Apparently they heard about my "bad side" and they called in "sick" to work for that week.

Anyway.... I was on the line one day working, and the line supervisor comes up with his butt kissing friend and shouts "SO I HEAR YOUR GAY"!!!! "I HOPE YOU DONT COME AFTER ME"!!!

I put my tools down, got off my stool, stood straight up (pardon the expression) and VERY loudly said to him "HONEY, YOU AINT EVER GOT TO WORRY ABOUT THAT"!!! Then I turned around and went back to work.

Both rednecked retards were frozen solid where they stood. They didnt know what to say or do. Finally they ran off.

Of course I was fired the next week.

Its really weird when people find out I'm gay. Most of the time I get comments like "you're gay? You're the last person I suspected would be gay!"

Really? Just really? What would help you sweetheart? Would you like me to come riding in on a sparkly purple unicorn farting rainbows trilling in a falsetto "heeeeere I ammmmmmmm!!!!!!!" Wink

We gays come in all flavors, one would think people would wise up to that by now

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