wonder if yar ok or funny about this kind of thing
Some bad stuff happened to me when I was younger and I can't even have a piss with other people around me..
Well, mostly, in France this would probably not happen too often, because we have special rooms just for the toilet (often still referred to as the W.C. ==> something we stole from the English Water Closet)... so being in the closet might mean you're taking a dump, but on your own, as the wash basin would be in the bathroom proper.
I don't know whether this would be inconvenient or embarrassing for me, as it hasn't happened, I'm sure, since I was a very young child. The thing, for me, would be to prevent anyone from having to deal with the smell... so that's why we buy air fresheners, that more or less do the trick (badly, but... hey... what's a man to do?) I've heard that burning something like incense in the loo actually burns off the gas emitted by such actions, thus preventing the smell from lingering too long. Methane I think it's called?
NO WAY MAN! even Gay people have to have standards!
Well, I was in the Navy, and I spent time in jail, so I'm pretty comfortable with it. I wouldn't just walk in on my partner to chat, nor would he with me, but if one of us is in the shower or shaving, the other can do whatever he needs to with the rest of the bathroom..