Got into argue with a friend over which Red Dawn was better,The Original version of Red Dawn or the remake verision of Red Dawn.I said the orignal version was better,he said the remake version was better.But anyway I just wanted to find out what the forum users thought about this.
I haven't seen either, so please settle which I should see first by answering a question: is Chris Helmsworth at any point shirtless for a period of time?
I, love, the, original, I, might just,keep away from this remake, read, lots, of, bad, reviews and, today's choice of, actors, all, straight,from the models, bench, zero charisma, God, forbid anyone having, a, less, than, perfect Symetrical, features and, a, recognizable, distinguishable, personality
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I have seen the orinigal and thought it was an amazing film. I still have to see the remake.
An eye for an eye
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When is the New Red Dawn out on DVD?
An eye for an eye