Have you heard that scientists have concluded HIV and AIDS has a mind of its own and the speculations it is a lab virus? Means it was intentionally created with and agenda. Homosexuality, population control for some countries ect.
I'm sorry but I am FUMING! I think we all agree the most commonly put blame is the whole HIV thing...that just pisses me off big time!
Everything, the word gay now means bad, its them damn people who wrote that bible lol
Really wouldlike?I don't think that people use gay in that context anymore.This reminds of the time I was reading "The Three Little Pigs" to my little cousins.There's a part in there that says one of the pigs was gay.You should've seen the expression on their faces.
The use of the word is such that GAY (a common enough surname in France, lol) only means homosexual in French whereas gai or gaie still mean what the word gay originally meant, ie happy, jolly, cheerful... A good thing we borrowed from English for once. No confusion possible here.