I really feel like telling off my very rude aunt, and uncle, along with my bitchy, and judgemental great aunts.My mom has been telling just to ignore them, but I feel like I can't just keep letting them pull that kind of crap. I am sick and tired of my aunt and uncle thinking that they can just be rude to my mom and me,without there being some kind of consequences for their rude actions. But most of all I am sick of my great aunts calling my mom a bad mother for "allowing me to be gay" and I am sick of them calling me a faggot and telling me I'm going to hell for being who I am . I really feel like the next they pull that crap I will finally at long last them off.But anyway I am done with my mini-rant now, I just felt like getting that off my chest.
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Joined: May 2009
I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
They definitely deserve a telling off; but I don't think it would help you or your mom.(nor would they listen, as it sounds like they think they get permission to be an ass to you from a higher power.)
It could also really split your family as it were, and I think this is what your mom is trying to avoid.
I've never really understood the idea that family are mandatory friends that should be treated nice even if you secretly hate their guts; but most people do feel an extra attachment to their family.
All I can recommend is to listen to your mother.
Maybe you can go out of your way to never see or talk to them again once you're independent.
Honestly, I would probably go off too!
Who the fuck are they to judge? Ya, their family, but they're also ignorant as hell.
Give then a piece of your mind, but in alliance with their tone that they're coming after you and your mom with. That way you're not overshadowed as "the worst one" on the conflict.
But since their calling you a faggot, and your going to hell, put them on BLAST for what their going to hell for... Do they eat shellfish? or maybe pork? How how about wearing mixed fabrics? Or working on Sunday? Any of them divorced? Ever lie about ANYTHING? Well, they're an ABOMINATION, and going to hell, right there with you!
I'm assuming their Christians.... if so... tell them to read a bible for once in their lives, and stop cherry-picking what sounds good to ostracize others with, while ignoring the unforgivable "sins", making their lives convenient.
It personally pisses me off when I hear about shit like this.. religion is the root of all evil, keeps people ignorant, starts most if not every war that happens, and worst of all, tears families apart.. I left the church after experiencing the hypocrisy of everyone in it, and then after reading the evil filth that is the bible, in it's entirety...pretty grotesque stuff.
Anyhoo, this is about you. Stay strong and good luck!
If only you had family like this
Clip from an Australian TV that started this year.
Its a shame more people don't realise religion and homosexuality can go together
I agree with Dreamer here, poiny out the "sins" they commit and for an added bonus point out the part in levtius most people qoute refers to 3somes or hswving sex in a lady's bed with a guy. It says nothing about HIS or YOUR bed. The bible is actully far more critical of hetero relationship. Find some of that and throw it in their faces
The Bible will also say, Turn the other cheek.
And, Live and let live.
Don't get into a Biblical pissing contest.
Just follow the advice I've offered so far:
--Live well.
--Turn the other cheek.
--Let them be.
Everyone will be happier.
The "defense" I used to the pastor for whom I played piano was to ask how many couples in his church had been divorced and remarried while one of the first spouses was still alive. That is strictly forbidden in the bible, and I knew of several such couples in his congregation. I told him my "sin" was no worse than theirs and since I was not blatant about my sexuality and those couples were living together in the open they were bringing shame to the church, not I.
As others have said they are not worth confronting. People like them are set in their ways and no amount of confrontation will make them change their mind or actions. In fact if they get a reaction from you then they will probably feed off it and comeback twice as bad.
Rise above them and simply ignore or stay out their way. They will soon get the message.