Why not skip the whole question and have sex together?
In all honesty its much too controlling to require no masterbaiting. I agree with Pix completely.
I rarely jerk off as it is now, but when I am in a relationship I give up on jerking off and I just have sex. So the only time I will be getting off is when I am naked in bed alone with my man.
i agree with everyone who said that it's waaaayyyy too controlling 0__o
Personally, I don't even have a problem with camming masturbation. IMO- being in a relationship does not give either partner the power or control to determine when a person can masturbate. That is trying to control a person's fantasies which is destructive to the person and ultimately to the relationship itself.
I don't find cam sex the least bit threatening or in any way even cheating. To me it is just another extension of modern technology that is available to help create fantasies. (looksies no feelsies)Seriously, every couple has to determine where to draw those lines, but conversations don't start with rules and ultimatums.
Demanding that your partner squelch his/her fantasies says more about a person's own insecurities and those types of insecurities are exactly what destroys many relationships.