Earlier this month I struggled with strong feelings for a (presumably) straight best friend (who doesn't know I'm gay, unless he's figured it out on his own even though I don't give away anything that would say I am except for the fact that I don't talk about girls and dodge the subject of a girlfriend) and I'm hoping for some thoughts on a rather odd situation.
Just to get you up to speed, we clicked the day we met and we've been friends for almost a year now. We went through a bromance stage, and now I can't figure out if we're in a bromance on steroids or if there's something subtle going on, because it's definitely taken a notch up from when we first met. Here's the situation:
So we were at his house a few weeks ago just talking about life and going on about how we're both not really satisfied with life right now, when he said 3 things that stuck out in my mind. Now keep in mind that these things were mentioned at different points in the convo and it's not like he listed them back to back, because that would be very strange. Anyway he said: 1. "If I was gay I'd be gay for you", 2. "I would take your word over my girlfriend's", and 3. "We're going to move in together" (in the near future). All of these were said in a serious tone and I could tell he wasn't trying to be funny. I thought that #1 was strange because the subject of anything "gay" is something we've never talked about so I don't really know where he stands on it and he doesn't know where I do either. #2 was strange because he does have a girlfriend and tells me that he thinks she's the one, but then why take my word over hers. And #3 we've never really talked about our future as if we were planning on it together. I decided to look up houses on my phone where we want to live, and I was sitting on the floor against the couch, and he got up and laid down on the couch and put his head & the pillow pretty much right where mine was. Add this to the fact the we put <3's in txts, call each other "male boo" (from the bromance video), and do a quick hug every time we part, I'm just so confused. Are there signals that I should be picking up on? Or am I just over thinking and misinterpreting this whole situation, and in reality we're just really close friends? Based on the way he acts and how he is personally, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one he's said this stuff to. My thing is, he's planning on graduating early and enlisting in the Marines, which gives him roughly a year that he'll still be here. I'm not sure if I should just come out to him (but not yet tell him my feelings for him) and risk ending the friendship, or just leave it be and not say anything. As of now I'm only out to two very close friends who are both girls. Any and all thoughts are appreciated.
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04-30-2013, 05:20 AM
(Edited 04-30-2013, 05:23 AM by Kenny221.)
Hey LostDreamer, I want you to be careful about this, because I just came out 5 weeks ago to my friends (not family yet), and just like you I had a very close guy best friend. We went through the same stages as you ,and we were like brothers. ( Personally, I don't have a thing for him so I'm clear) The thing is, my bestfriend also had said alot of strange things. There was a time where we even talked about masturbation and all that stuff. What I'm trying to say is that he might just be really close to you friendship wise. Sadly, when I told my best friend ,he still believed it was a choice, but he didn't really say anything harsh and we're still pretty close but I feel like that we're not as close as we were anymore.
I think you should tell him that you're gay first, and then see his reaction before confessing to those feelings because revealing to someone you're gay is a very big change to the other person. It also takes time for them to accept who you are. Take things slowly.
#1: If there was nothing in the conversation about being gay, then that is a weird thing to just say to someone. He might have caught on to you and knows your gay and just thinks that you have either told everyone you want to, or just dont know how to say anything to anyone and doesnt want to try to "drag" you out of the closet.
#2: Well I would say that to someone. Of course I would take my best friends word over someone I have been dating. Your best friend isnt going to lie to you, unless they are sleeping with the person your dating. SO that sounds natural.
#3: Maybe he wants to be a roommate with you and have a "bachelor pad" so to speak. Or quiet possible that he just wants to live with you so he doesnt have to worry about finding his own place and knows that your someone he will be comfortable living with.
I really dont think you should try to read into things that arent slapping you in the face. I personal thoughts would be to slowly throw things out there. Ask him if he has heard about the Gay Rights protest in DC and what he thinks about it. Tell him your thoughts on it. Try to make it sound like your just making conversation. Ask one question a week and then when you find out his views on homosexuality, you can decide if you want to come out to him or not. I'm sure that if he is a true friend then he wouldnt end the relationship with you at all. I have a friend who is gay and his best friend in the whole world is a straight man and they live together. They have been friends for over 3 years now and they do everything together, except sex and shower.
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Udabar Wrote:#1: If there was nothing in the conversation about being gay, then that is a weird thing to just say to someone. He might have caught on to you and knows your gay and just thinks that you have either told everyone you want to, or just dont know how to say anything to anyone and doesnt want to try to "drag" you out of the closet.
I agree, I think it might've been his way of testing your reaction.
First thing I want to say, and I don't think I can say this with enough emphasis...He already has a relationship and if you do anything to end it, you will lose a lot of friends.
Unfortunately no one here can say that he is gay and has got the hots for you, it would all be guessing.
If he was single I would suggest that you tell him that you are gay because quiet clearly he does not fear sexuality and is rather comfortable with homosexuality.
But honestly, while ever he is with what he describes as 'the one', there is nothing you can do but try and let those feelings go, because if he isn't gay then you are holding yourself back from meeting other guys for no reason
Thanks for the quick replies everyone  This is something that I've given/am giving a lot of thought, so I'm not jumping to make a decision until I'm confident with what I decide. I'm really glad that all of you have brought me back to reality because I tend to get caught up in wishful thinking. And believe me I would never do anything to end his current relationship or hurt him in anyway, because (not trying to sound too self absorbed) I truly am considerate of others and would do anything and completely go out of my way to ensure the happiness of my friends. It's just one of those situations where I've never this way about anyone else and even though I spend so much time thinking of the "what if's" and just coming out with it, the last thing I want is for it to ruin what we've built. I know that I need to move on with my feelings, but at the same time the constant stuff I mentioned in the original post make me yearn for a true relationship; and on the flipside of that, I don't want to just end the friendship in order to move on because I see that as being extremely selfish and I'm not that kind of person.
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LostDreamer Wrote:Thanks for the quick replies everyone This is something that I've given/am giving a lot of thought, so I'm not jumping to make a decision until I'm confident with what I decide. I'm really glad that all of you have brought me back to reality because I tend to get caught up in wishful thinking. And believe me I would never do anything to end his current relationship or hurt him in anyway, because (not trying to sound too self absorbed) I truly am considerate of others and would do anything and completely go out of my way to ensure the happiness of my friends. It's just one of those situations where I've never this way about anyone else and even though I spend so much time thinking of the "what if's" and just coming out with it, the last thing I want is for it to ruin what we've built. I know that I need to move on with my feelings, but at the same time the constant stuff I mentioned in the original post make me yearn for a true relationship; and on the flipside of that, I don't want to just end the friendship in order to move on because I see that as being extremely selfish and I'm not that kind of person.
Yes, take your time slowly...don't rush it.
Sweetie the guy is in a relationship .
You should not be expecting anything more than friendship, trust me you do not want to set yourself up for emotional pain.
Rainbowmum Wrote:Sweetie the guy is in a relationship .
You should not be expecting anything more than friendship, trust me you do not want to set yourself up for emotional pain.
Unfortunately I've been going through the emotional pain already for quite a while. I know I shouldn't expect anything more than friendship, but I've gotten so attached that I take stuff out of perspective in hopes of it having meaning. Then of course I feel let down when things don't have further meaning to them. I literally cannot get him off my mind; sure when I'm doing fun things with other friends I'm distracted, but as I soon as I am alone again he's back in my thoughts. Just last night I had a dream about us that was perfect, then to wake up to reality is crushing, and this usually happens at least once a week. The thing is, people tend to say that I just need to move on with my feelings, but considering that I've NEVER felt this way about anyone else it's not really that easy for me. Plus I've never been good at moving on from things. Even if I were to completely end the friendship, I can guarantee you that my thoughts would not stop. I can say this with confidence because our friendship did have a lapse for a few months where we rarely talked and I didn't know if we were even friends anymore; but I still thought about him constantly and to be honest that was one of the roughest times I've had in my life. So ending the friendship would leave me without a friend for no good reason. I guess I'm just going to have to let time take care of this and just go with the flow of things.