05-08-2013, 05:42 PM
My 20's were the best years of my life... when I was in my twenties. Then my 30's were my best years for when I was in my 30's... etc. I kind of look forward to my 50's with anticipation and hope that those will be the best years of my life... for my 50's.
Those years came with their individual hardships and 'troubles'. Trust me, oceans of alcohol and mountains of meth were not all fun and games, there was a lot of hard work ad drudgery attached to doing all of that partying. :eek:
There was a time in my life I got all caught up in the pursuit of happiness. Boy that was a mistake. I was so busy trying to be happy all the time I forgot to be contented (sated/satisfied).
I sought happiness in the strangest of places, alcohol, drugs, other people... It wasn't until my 30th year on earth that I started getting the basic idea that happiness (contentment really, perpetual happiness is called mania) come from within, not from without.
In truth I hate my 20's. I was so young, dumb and full of... shit... yeah that other stuff too. I wasted those years pursing a lot of the wrong things, but I was just a kid who grew up in a world that places a lot of importance on the wrong things, thus had a skewed understanding of what being an adult means. Its not until I did the adult thing for a few years (about a decade) that I learned what it really is all about.
We all make mistakes and piss away a lot of time. Its the process of being human, perhaps is the defining thing that makes us human. It is all part of the learning experience, everything is a lesson and what we choose to take from it and how we use that experience later in life defines us and makes us better (or worse) people.
People who smile on the outside all the time are usually crying on the inside. Just because a person looks happy doesn't mean they really are. The majority are just good at crafting the happy face mask.
Yes as a matter of fact there was a time when I felt I just had to save the world in order to be a person of value... I later learned that I don't need to save the whole world, just myself and if I am lucky a couple three others along the way.
I am at peace with myself today. No I am not at peace with the world, fuck them - fuck them all with the barrel of a shotgun! LOL
I do have inner peace and it wasn't easy to win that, I had to make a lot of mistakes, travel down a lot of rocky roads and visit a lot of terrible places before I got it in my head how to be at peace with Self.
I think that is what our first decade of adulthood is really about, the discovery of who 'I' am (you for you, me for me, he for him, She for her, etc). Understand it ain't gonna be easy, you have to plow through a lot of the world's crap and sewage and sort through ugly and terrible things to find the gems. You also have to deal with other people and their pursuit of their own self discovery which is often going to be more of a mess than dealing with your own crap.
Which is one reason why you should learn from the mistakes of others, their crap is always so much more interesting - besides, there is no way on earth you will live long enough to make all the possible mistakes yourself.
As for this facebook fella... I bet he is more miserable than you are, but lives in denial about it and most likely is pissing away a larger chunk of life pretending to have his crap together and being happy. While you will achieve contentment by age 30 (or at least a solid idea of who 'I' is), he most likely is so far in denial he will have to wait until his midlife crises to get the right lessons.
You are doing fine - perhaps better than others because you at least acknowledge you have 'issues'...
Those years came with their individual hardships and 'troubles'. Trust me, oceans of alcohol and mountains of meth were not all fun and games, there was a lot of hard work ad drudgery attached to doing all of that partying. :eek:
There was a time in my life I got all caught up in the pursuit of happiness. Boy that was a mistake. I was so busy trying to be happy all the time I forgot to be contented (sated/satisfied).
I sought happiness in the strangest of places, alcohol, drugs, other people... It wasn't until my 30th year on earth that I started getting the basic idea that happiness (contentment really, perpetual happiness is called mania) come from within, not from without.
In truth I hate my 20's. I was so young, dumb and full of... shit... yeah that other stuff too. I wasted those years pursing a lot of the wrong things, but I was just a kid who grew up in a world that places a lot of importance on the wrong things, thus had a skewed understanding of what being an adult means. Its not until I did the adult thing for a few years (about a decade) that I learned what it really is all about.
We all make mistakes and piss away a lot of time. Its the process of being human, perhaps is the defining thing that makes us human. It is all part of the learning experience, everything is a lesson and what we choose to take from it and how we use that experience later in life defines us and makes us better (or worse) people.
People who smile on the outside all the time are usually crying on the inside. Just because a person looks happy doesn't mean they really are. The majority are just good at crafting the happy face mask.
Yes as a matter of fact there was a time when I felt I just had to save the world in order to be a person of value... I later learned that I don't need to save the whole world, just myself and if I am lucky a couple three others along the way.
I am at peace with myself today. No I am not at peace with the world, fuck them - fuck them all with the barrel of a shotgun! LOL
I do have inner peace and it wasn't easy to win that, I had to make a lot of mistakes, travel down a lot of rocky roads and visit a lot of terrible places before I got it in my head how to be at peace with Self.
I think that is what our first decade of adulthood is really about, the discovery of who 'I' am (you for you, me for me, he for him, She for her, etc). Understand it ain't gonna be easy, you have to plow through a lot of the world's crap and sewage and sort through ugly and terrible things to find the gems. You also have to deal with other people and their pursuit of their own self discovery which is often going to be more of a mess than dealing with your own crap.
Which is one reason why you should learn from the mistakes of others, their crap is always so much more interesting - besides, there is no way on earth you will live long enough to make all the possible mistakes yourself.
As for this facebook fella... I bet he is more miserable than you are, but lives in denial about it and most likely is pissing away a larger chunk of life pretending to have his crap together and being happy. While you will achieve contentment by age 30 (or at least a solid idea of who 'I' is), he most likely is so far in denial he will have to wait until his midlife crises to get the right lessons.
You are doing fine - perhaps better than others because you at least acknowledge you have 'issues'...