Awwww congrats man! :biggrin:
I came out to everyone I worked with last xmas (most already knew) coz we were going out for our staff doo and someone made an idle remark about how many of the people were either gay or bi and how they were ALL sitting on the opposite side (except I wasn't). And he was like "that's the GAY side" so I got up and went over there too. And a few people were like "omg are you gay?" i was like "newsflash!" haha!
It can be quite fun. I've had pretty much all positive responses so far *touch wood* but as marshlander says, its a looooong windy never-ending path!
malcs...thanks for your "story" about coming out, how lovely that all your friends have been so supportive, I also experienced the same when I came out, and it took me a while to come out to my parents..but really, and I cant stress this enough, its the best feeling in the world, (unless your parents are very uptight and conservative), when i did i I felt 10 tons lighter and happier and now have a completely different relationship with my parents, I no longer have to pretend and make up silly excuses when i talk to them, them come to visit us and I even now have a child with a lesbian couple and they have a grandchild. so do come out to them if you are will change your life
lotsa love
Your parents must be delighted to have a grandchild Nick... Tell us how this all happened, but maybe in a new thread? Your own personal "I've got a child" thread...