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Feminism and hatred towards feminism
Sebastian Wrote:How do you know they are the majority? because you've seen some people commenting here about grindr or whatever? You should actually go outside and meet some people, you'd be surprised of the variety of people that are homosexual and do not go everywhere and fuck everything that moves and also possess a set of genitalia. Smile

I said heterosexual people are the majority. I never said that gay people were the majority thats ridiculous....

KawaiiKitty Wrote:yes that was the first time I meant to be condescending. If people took what I said as condescending before then they took it the wrong way which is not really my problem. I even said something along the lines of most of what I say is meant to be matter of fact and not condescending.

And I really dont have to justify my opinions to you. I think Ive thoroughly explained nd re-explained my reasoning for why I think the way I do and for my opinions. If you cant comprehend that then I cant make it any more plain.

No you didn't so stop patting yourself on the back... you may don't have to justify yourself to me... but for the sake of people's reading it you may want to be more objective and less of a judgemental prick. And when you try passing your opinions as fact, than you do have to come up with real example of what you bring forward and that you just didn't do it. You just kept on rambling on your opinion playing the saviour that comes to save all those poor demented souls that you think are on the wrong path of happiness because you didn't see it as proper to you.

In fact I never really was in total disagreement with you... but there's a way to look at things and be less of an authoritative, moralist and generalist judgemental jerk. When you come to a debate and want to defend your point, don't you think you need to keep an open mind? Don't you think that coming forward and making it look like all those that are not following your course of ideas are sluts, liar, cheater and unrealistic morons with no sense of morals?

You telling me that I can't comprehend that? Kitty I believe that I comprehend much more than you think and much more than you can take in one sitting. What I did with you is just some basic psychologist trick to see if you would be able to come on and say a straight answer without the need of continuously bashing your fellow gays.

I don't like porn but I don't go bashing their lifestyle and call them immoral because they choose to do this work. I am not into girls and I'm not too found of some girls outfit that leaves little for the imagination... but I don't go calling them sluts and whore who are exposing themselves to rapist... the mind of a rapist Kitty goes well beyond the outfit and f you want to challenge what I just said... I invite you to go ahead and pick up some psychological books and read about tome common social pathology of sex criminals (I don't have too I had my degree already and spent more than 5 years studying the subject)... a girl can be dressed like a nun and still be a prey for the rapist... it's not always the outfit. It's more of the situation/location... I have a daughter aged 18 and two sisters and I always warned them that dark corners and walking alone unaccompanied on any streets - village like big city exposed them to rapist. Also it is important for a girl more than a guy to be self aware of some guys' behaviours and know when to leave or ask for assistance

The straight guys that you are talking about who have the idea that gays are promiscuous are not getting it directly from those so called gays that you despise so much in bars who look for fun or a consenting couples who are in an open relationship because those are a very small number of them. They will have the very same judgement watching movies from Hollywood that often show gays as a bunch of immoral sex addict. There's more than one factor that justify their judgement and guys that are promiscuous in their own little world and doesn't disturb much. I met some of those guys and they're not a majority and in this era as opposed to 20 years ago things have drastically changed.

Only few years ago it was improbable to think that gays could marry... it's not even 10 years for Americas... but some country in Europe had their rules on same-sex wedding modified way before Canada did. And just that gesture did sent a message world-wide to those who think that gays are just a bunch of fucking bunnies, because they have been too much influenced by the entertainment industry and their own little conceptualization of what the gay community is.

The fight for gays to be accepted isn't over and it't start by people of its own community to accept that just like in the straight world, there are different type of love, relationships and personas that may not comply with their vision of what gays should be, but there's no standards. What goes between two or three consenting adults isn't for you to judge whether they are moral or immoral, it;s for you to accept them in their choice and their diversity just like any other social groups.

there's absolutely nothing wrong at all with having lots of casual sex so long as it's consensual.
also , consent is the presence of a yes and not the absence of clothes. rape is only ever the fault of the rapist and victim blaming is a terrible awful thing that needs to stop right fucking now.

megumidesu Wrote:there's absolutely nothing wrong at all with having lots of casual sex so long as it's consensual.
also , consent is the presence of a yes and not the absence of clothes. rape is only ever the fault of the rapist and victim blaming is a terrible awful thing that needs to stop right fucking now.

yes because someone who runs out and plays in the middle of traffic is the innocent victim. The person who hits them is the criminal right?

Please, if someone is going to dress like a slut dont be surprised if they arent treated as such. No one deserves to be raped and it doesnt excuse the act but if you put it all out there on display the person who cant or wont control themselves just might take advantage. Its not about victim blaming but more about victim ignorance of how they are displaying themselves to the world. If you make yourself an easy target then dont be surprised if you become an easy target. Goodness forbid someone should be told that they should take responsibility for how much skin they show considering how overly sexualized our society is today.

KawaiiKitty Wrote:yes because someone who runs out and plays in the middle of traffic is the innocent victim. The person who hits them is the criminal right?

Please, if someone is going to dress like a slut dont be surprised if they arent treated as such. No one deserves to be raped and it doesnt excuse the act but if you put it all out there on display the person who cant or wont control themselves just might take advantage. Its not about victim blaming but more about victim ignorance of how they are displaying themselves to the world. If you make yourself an easy target then dont be surprised if you become an easy target. Goodness forbid someone should be told that they should take responsibility for how much skin they show considering how overly sexualized our society is today.

If your assessment of men is true...that's scary! Scared

Ironically, it agrees with the more radical man-hating feminism that men are vile beasts who menace women, and that women should be prepared to kill them if necessary (and it probably will be necessary).

KawaiiKitty Wrote:Promiscuous sex spreads disease and kills people. And lets be honest here...people who have alot of sex dont always use protection. Its just a fact. Thats why there are so many cases of STD all around the world. It also causes cheating and eventually heartache for the two people in a relationship. Not to mention the fact that you really cant form long lasting relationships with other people if you are bed hopping every night. Relationships take time and nurturing to develop. It takes alittle more time than the hour or two you would spend down at the Motel 6.

To simply be blind and ignore these issues is ridiculous. People always make up excuse after excuse for bad behavior cause they dont want to be called on their shit.

Promiscuous sex doesn't spread disease. Not being smart or safe about sex spreads disease. You are close, but your facts are still wrong. Maybe you should reevaluate your stance, or at least leave people alone who you don't even have sex with anyways.

Also, this has nothing to do with cheating. That isn't even the argument. The stance is about sleeping with multiple people. If everyone is okay with it, then it isn't cheating. Plenty of people have developed very successful long-term relationships doing this. Both partners just have to agree on it. Nobody is being hurt, so stop acting like a little butt-hurt bigot.

Oh but in the end it's just a matter of responsibility! From the very beginning what we were dicussing was responsible promiscuity, in other words, not the kind that spreads deadly STD's and ruins families. And obviously your opinion isn't going to hurt anyone, but when an opinion comes with so many unfounded and illogical implications, people are going to try and change it. You can't say "people who drink regularly are bad because there are alcoholics who ruin families" because drinking regularly, depending on how it's done, isn't the same as alcoholism. Similarly you can't say "people who sleep with a lot of people are bad because there are people who cheat and spread STD's due to their promiscuity" - this is why your generalized statements don't sit well with so many people. You're taking a certain behaviour and bashing it for its potential negative IRRESPONSIBLE outcome whereas lots of people manage to deal with it just fine.

Although honestly, the reason I'm even responding despite how stupid it must make me look to everyone else, is simply that you called me disrespectful towards myself and in your eyes an inferior human being. I don't get why saying "it's just an opinion" would redeem that. "I believe in racial segregation" is also "just" an opinion - it doesn't mean it can't be questioned. It seems like you so far have been unable to actually explain why promiscuous people are bad. You've brought up STD's, the destruction of families and cheating which are all examples of irresponsible promiscuity. You have yet to explain why responsible promiscuity is so despicable and worthy of your contempt.

Oh and also, I'm pissed at your opinion not you. I disagree with the mean, unnecessary things people have been saying to you KawaiiKitty.

As for women (or men really but this discussion seems to be about women only...) dressing in sexy or provocative ways: has the thought ever occurred to you that they might

A. Simply like the way they look in said clothing
B. Dress sexily because they're looking for a one-night-stand. OF THEIR CHOICE.

There are occasions and places where it would be simply inappropriate to dress revealingly but seriously, if a woman is going to a bar or a club she chooses how much of her body she wants to expose. It's her decision and even focusing on what you call "victim ignorance" in rape cases is stupid. I'm getting deranged visions of further additions to sex ed class. After they've learned about concom usage and sex positions the girls are taken to a separate room where they're told to always dress in a modest fashion so they won't get raped in the future.

Jake Wrote:No you didn't so stop patting yourself on the back... you may don't have to justify yourself to me... but for the sake of people's reading it you may want to be more objective and less of a judgemental prick. And when you try passing your opinions as fact, than you do have to come up with real example of what you bring forward and that you just didn't do it. You just kept on rambling on your opinion playing the saviour that comes to save all those poor demented souls that you think are on the wrong path of happiness because you didn't see it as proper to you.

In fact I never really was in total disagreement with you... but there's a way to look at things and be less of an authoritative, moralist and generalist judgemental jerk. When you come to a debate and want to defend your point, don't you think you need to keep an open mind? Don't you think that coming forward and making it look like all those that are not following your course of ideas are sluts, liar, cheater and unrealistic morons with no sense of morals?

You telling me that I can't comprehend that? Kitty I believe that I comprehend much more than you think and much more than you can take in one sitting. What I did with you is just some basic psychologist trick to see if you would be able to come on and say a straight answer without the need of continuously bashing your fellow gays.

I don't like porn but I don't go bashing their lifestyle and call them immoral because they choose to do this work. I am not into girls and I'm not too found of some girls outfit that leaves little for the imagination... but I don't go calling them sluts and whore who are exposing themselves to rapist... the mind of a rapist Kitty goes well beyond the outfit and f you want to challenge what I just said... I invite you to go ahead and pick up some psychological books and read about tome common social pathology of sex criminals (I don't have too I had my degree already and spent more than 5 years studying the subject)... a girl can be dressed like a nun and still be a prey for the rapist... it's not always the outfit. It's more of the situation/location... I have a daughter aged 18 and two sisters and I always warned them that dark corners and walking alone unaccompanied on any streets - village like big city exposed them to rapist. Also it is important for a girl more than a guy to be self aware of some guys' behaviours and know when to leave or ask for assistance

The straight guys that you are talking about who have the idea that gays are promiscuous are not getting it directly from those so called gays that you despise so much in bars who look for fun or a consenting couples who are in an open relationship because those are a very small number of them. They will have the very same judgement watching movies from Hollywood that often show gays as a bunch of immoral sex addict. There's more than one factor that justify their judgement and guys that are promiscuous in their own little world and doesn't disturb much. I met some of those guys and they're not a majority and in this era as opposed to 20 years ago things have drastically changed.

Only few years ago it was improbable to think that gays could marry... it's not even 10 years for Americas... but some country in Europe had their rules on same-sex wedding modified way before Canada did. And just that gesture did sent a message world-wide to those who think that gays are just a bunch of fucking bunnies, because they have been too much influenced by the entertainment industry and their own little conceptualization of what the gay community is.

The fight for gays to be accepted isn't over and it't start by people of its own community to accept that just like in the straight world, there are different type of love, relationships and personas that may not comply with their vision of what gays should be, but there's no standards. What goes between two or three consenting adults isn't for you to judge whether they are moral or immoral, it;s for you to accept them in their choice and their diversity just like any other social groups.

You see? Thats where youre wrong. I dont HAVE to accept anyone if I deem them immoral or slutty or anything else. Thats the beauty of having my own opinion. You tell me Im forcing my beliefs down other people's throats and then in the next breath you are telling me that I HAVE to accept other people's way of life even if it goes against the values that I hold dear? No thank you sir.

Furthermore I dont have to keep justifying my opinion to you or any of the other readers on this forum. The opinion is mine and mine alone. More power to you if you agree with me more power to you if you dont. Again I dont understand why you are trying to FORCE me to change my opinion or to even have to clarify my opinion. I have said my peace and explained it well enough time and time again. Me explaining it for the fiftieth time isnt gonna make me change my opinion.

Pix Wrote:If your assessment of men is true...that's scary! Scared

Ironically, it agrees with the more radical man-hating feminism that men are vile beasts who menace women, and that women should be prepared to kill them if necessary (and it probably will be necessary).

I dont think ALL men are like that obviously. Im talking only about the ones who decide that crossing that rape line is a choice for them. Most men can keep it in their pants. Even tho most of them are horn dogs, me included, but only with my partner.

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