08-14-2013, 01:24 PM
VileKyle Wrote:Fine. You're an obese piece of shit who has less value in society because of it. You have less respect from me and many others because of your refusal to eat less just like "normal" and "respectable" people should. You should feel ashamed of yourself. Why can't you be more like us skinny people?
That is what you sound like attacking these people. You could just say you are less attracted to them, which is really all I really think about you. Instead you go the route I stated above.
lol I havent been anywhere nearly that rude but still I know none of those things about me are true so you are barking up the wrong tree here.

And I am not attacking anyone unless you consider a debate an "attack" As I have previously stated I am posting my opinion/views on said subject. Its not my fault that you and other people cant seem to handle that fact.
I think youre pulling an Oprah here. You're trying to see bigotry where it doesnt exist like Oprah sees racism where it doesnt exist.