I am content and comfortable with myself. I'm never going to be the definition of hotness, but I'm far from ugly, and I've got to be happy with that

. I am comfortable around people I like, am decently intelligent (near gifted according to test scores, but I've never liked such tests to be bluntly honest --- hard work is what makes a success story, and an inspiring person, in my opinion), and looking back I can see where I've matured.
What more could I ask for as a person? I'm okay --- and that's great, because that means I'll always be able to change, to improve, to get better. I think that's amazing.
What would I change? I used to be more built and a little large, and I lost about 50 pounds in the span of a few months in grade 10, and have been moderately thin ever since. I was more comfortable larger, but honestly, that's not even a complaint. I'm probably better off health wise now any way.
So yes, of course I am happy.