Wade Wrote:Oh Christ. This is fantastic! Please, for the love of all that's good and holy, do this one thegrungerpunk.
Hahahahaha I can't my mom lives in florida
bluefox4000 Wrote:Ma I'm Bi
Done. I don't do fear, lol
SolemnBoy Wrote:Invite her for a drink in the living room and seat yourself comfortably in the coach. Proceed to gently put your hand on her shoulder, stare thoughtfully past her face into the horizon and say "how about them cocks?".
Lol Yeah well no hahaha but that would awesome
OlderButWiser Wrote:My mom was glad I hadn't ROBBED A BANK! Go figure LoL.
I laughed for ages after she said that 
Has anyone else had an unusual reaction from moms when they come out?
Hahahha I don't think I have that kind of reputation
megumidesu Wrote:maybe introduce her to your boyfriend when you tell her ~
because then she'll see that you're happy with him and she'll be happy for you , too ~
She knows him, I actually strongly believe she knows she's just in denial, but still it's not that I know for sure she knows....
d3n Wrote:If you don't like the direct way you might think about writing a letter or "accidently" leave some gay website on
Oooor you could first slowly talk about a friend whos gay and get to know what she thinks about it!
Hahhaha I did something like that once. It was very embarrasing, and I couldn't bring myself to confess right then and there
megumidesu Wrote:and remember that , even if it seems like she's against it , she won't necessarily hate you or treat you differently at all
some homophobes turn completely after finding out that someone in their own family is gay or bi 
I hope that will be the case
LONDONER Wrote:My father died before I was born and my mother when I was five so I never had to deal with the problem but I would like to think that my mother would still have loved me.
I would believe the same thing.
Counselor Wrote:Grunger, thinking that you are hurting her from inception will only freak you further from telling her. Just talk to her, she's your mother, and if she loves you because you are her son and NOT because you are everything she expects of you, it should turn out just fine.
If it goes badly, we are all here to validate you. Good luck!
Validation, that's exactly what you need on those times

Thanks Londoner, and everybody else on the forum
Ekwarph Wrote:Still thinking about it. I have to do it quickly, I have only one unmarried sister, when she marries, knowing my mother, she will try to find out everyday a girl for me. 
Hahaha Time is running out
Tim18 Wrote:When I finally got the courage to come out to my mom. I first sent my mom a text message saying I had something to tell her when she got home. Then when the time came to tell her I was so nervous it took me three tries to say mom I'm gay. Her reaction to this was that she already knew that I was gay and that I was still her son and that she still loved me. But anyway I hope that it will go well for you when you do come out.
I tried that too, not exactly voluntarily, I have a resentful ex who almost blow it up for me out of anger....anyway, I'm wondering why it didn't just finish right there...
Thanks everybody you're nice people