Well, I live in like the other side of the country. I moved to California not long ago, and I live with my boyfriend which we've been together for around a year and a half.
In any case, I don't really care about telling anybody I have a boyfriend or I'm gay because I consider it my own personal business, but I'm an only child, and I would like to come out to my mom, but I just wouldn't know what to say. I'm not worried about the reactions itself, but I would hate having to part ways with my family in case they react the wrong way.
Any suggestions? I wouldn't like to hurt my mom because her only son is gay, but I don't know how to tell her about it
This is my first post here
how close are you to your mom ?
i have never been at all close to my mom so me being gay wasn't a big deal . i didn't care about her opinion of me about anything so whatever her reaction wouldn't have affected me ...
if you're close to your mom then it will probably be harder to tell her , i guess ...
You want to tell your mother that you're gay. That makes sense. You two are close and it doesn't feel right to keep this from her. Then tell her. Try this: "Mom, I'm gay." Or try "I'm gay, mom." Or maybe "I'm mom, gay." No wait, that one doesn't work....
If you want to tell her, then tell her. You are not responsible for how she responds. She'll find out sooner or later I'm sure, better soon (I haven't told my father I'm gay even though I came out to absolutely everyone else when I was 17. Now I'm worried he'll be hurt that I've waited so long. That's not a position you want to be in).
You can't worry about potentially hurting your mom only because of who you are. That one's not on you. That's for her to deal with. If she loves you then she'll be fine. And if she's not fine, then she'll come around eventually. It's obviously on your mind. Just get it over with. Death is coming. Why waste time being fretful about such trivialities like what others think about our sexuality.
Oh yeah. And welcome to GaySpeak. Hope you have a hella good time! Enjoy your complimentary GaySpeak welcome Sketti!
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As others have asked; how close are you to your Mom? If you're close she will love you whatever you are and frankly, the only way you will ever find out is to tell her.
I called her on the phone there was at least on state between us...
Me: I met someone I really love.
Her: That's nice son, what's her name?
Me: Understand this is someone who really completes me, makes me happy (blah blah blah, lots of good things).
Her: That's great son, what's her name?
Me: His name is Robert.
Her: Don't you ever call me again you son of a bitch!!!! (That was actually cleaned up for content).
It would be two years later when I would call about business and she would do the whole sweetness and dared to ask why I hadn't called her in two years.
Understand this, my mom is not your mom - and if you mom was anything like my mom you most likely would not be asking us for our opinion because you would know exactly how she would react and the whole telling this is more of a code of honor and 'making a clean break' between the perceptions of your past and the reality which is now.
Your mom will, most likely, say something like 'I already knew that!'....
Most mothers already have a gut feeling their kid is bent.
Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:Your mom will, most likely, say something like 'I already knew that!'....
Most mothers already have a gut feeling their kid is bent.
I was such a mess when I told my mom that by the time I got out the words "I'm gay" she was relieved that I hadn't wrecked the car, or killed somebody.
She, however, had no idea, which really surprised me. "Really mother? You been hearing "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" and "Everything's Coming Up Roses" blasting from my room for the last ten years and it never crossed your mind?"
Wade Wrote:You want to tell your mother that you're gay. That makes sense. You two are close and it doesn't feel right to keep this from her. Then tell her. Try this: "Mom, I'm gay." Or try "I'm gay, mom." Or maybe "I'm mom, gay." No wait, that one doesn't work....
If you want to tell her, then tell her. You are not responsible for how she responds. She'll find out sooner or later I'm sure, better soon (I haven't told my father I'm gay even though I came out to absolutely everyone else when I was 17. Now I'm worried he'll be hurt that I've waited so long. That's not a position you want to be in).
You can't worry about potentially hurting your mom only because of who you are. That one's not on you. That's for her to deal with. If she loves you then she'll be fine. And if she's not fine, then she'll come around eventually. It's obviously on your mind. Just get it over with. Death is coming. Why waste time being fretful about such trivialities like what others think about our sexuality.
Oh yeah. And welcome to GaySpeak. Hope you have a hella good time! Enjoy your complimentary GaySpeak welcome Sketti!

Sketti. Tasty lol
This answer is so accurate because that's what I think about the issue, but I cannot help but wonder why do i have to be the one who hurt her (if that's the case)
I wish I would have a straight brother lol
Thanks Wade
Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:I called her on the phone there was at least on state between us...
Me: I met someone I really love.
Her: That's nice son, what's her name?
Me: Understand this is someone who really completes me, makes me happy (blah blah blah, lots of good things).
Her: That's great son, what's her name?
Me: His name is Robert.
Her: Don't you ever call me again you son of a bitch!!!! (That was actually cleaned up for content).
It would be two years later when I would call about business and she would do the whole sweetness and dared to ask why I hadn't called her in two years.
Understand this, my mom is not your mom - and if you mom was anything like my mom you most likely would not be asking us for our opinion because you would know exactly how she would react and the whole telling this is more of a code of honor and 'making a clean break' between the perceptions of your past and the reality which is now.
Your mom will, most likely, say something like 'I already knew that!'....
Most mothers already have a gut feeling their kid is bent.
Well, I don't think my mother would react that way, but i have 7 states in the middle just in case hehe
Thanks Browin
LONDONER Wrote:As others have asked; how close are you to your Mom? If you're close she will love you whatever you are and frankly, the only way you will ever find out is to tell her.
I know, but it's kind of frightening like everything you go towards the unknown
megumidesu Wrote:how close are you to your mom ?
i have never been at all close to my mom so me being gay wasn't a big deal . i didn't care about her opinion of me about anything so whatever her reaction wouldn't have affected me ...
if you're close to your mom then it will probably be harder to tell her , i guess ...
I'm close enough to my mother, well, I'm an Ecuadorian person family down there is like a whole different definition than the American version