Looks are what the initial attraction is. Looks defiantly play there part for me and I need someone that I'm attracted to. Also personality is big too. If they have a shit personality it won't go far. I guess I'm just super picky and I'm aloud to be because I'm me and no one else is me u.u
Sorry to hurt anyone's feelings but looks DO count for something.
While I agree that personality is key, looks are part of the physical attraction.
For me, personality and more importantly chemistry has the major point with if I am attracted to someone, and I can't judge who that person will be, from my history they are all different yet they all have given me both butterflies and that odd fuzzy and ecstatic feeling you get when you meet "that" person. When I get personality I get sexual attraction, however looks have a bit to do with it.
I am no shallow, but its simple, personal hygiene and maintenance.
I would say looks do count for something. .but then again in certain cases maybe not. I've heard of people with faces blown off getting married later in life.. so... (just saying).
Personality is probably most important for me.. but I do have to agree, there has to be some sort of physical attraction. Generally speaking though.. I think I can find something attractive about most people.. (though of course we all have our personal preferences when it comes to physical characteristics).
Look and personality are both important at the beginning. Like 40-60%, but when you really know someone the most important thing is obviously personality. 20-80? 10-90? 1-99?
I don't see how people can estimate percentages for a ratio of what they go for in terms of looks and personality. Personally it fluctuates from person to person with me, my view on guys isn't simply just a static one as each guy I see brings something different to the table but personality does end up the deciding factor in the end.
Looks are important to me, that is what (I) find attractive, as my idea of attractive, usuall differs from others, as i rarely find that perfectly even, unblemished face attractive, i like a bit of weathering, some lines to show youve lived, and smiled and cried, some personality! Besides im the "pretty one" thats why i could never survive prison, as my ex used to say.
Of course personalitys important, if you love someone whos "ugly" then soon you dont care, because you associate there "ugliness" with them ie all the good things, and there not ugly to you.