03-30-2008, 02:36 PM
wouldlikemuscle Wrote:1. too shy / quiet (well I am.. I hate it)
2. Bottle my emotions too much (then when I explode, usually at the wrong person)
3. Untrusting (its very hard for me to confide in people... there are literally only 1 or 2 people I can do that with)
4. Pessimistic
5. Lack common sense now and again (read: often)
I'm quite sure you are NOT quite so unsorted as your say WouldLike..., Or if you ARE, then you must be getting there, because it's not something I've noticed in your posts... But then on the practical, real life side of things, I don't really know you... so you may be right. But I think there's hope for improvement, as in any one of us.